Children’s party with liquor and without control in Cartagena | THE UNIVERSAL


In the images of the video, which could have been recorded between November and December 2020, taking into account that the music that plays in the background, the musical work of the King of Rocha, began to circulate in networks at the end of last year, a large group of children who without any biosecurity or distancing measures enjoy a party to the rhythm of champeta. You can also read: Comparisons continue for agglomerations in Cartagena

Added to the lack of awareness of parents and adults who accompanied this party in times of pandemic, regardless of the risks to which all these minors may be exposed, the greatest aggravating factor was provided by the scene starring a minor who, apparently Under the influence of alcohol and with a bottle of beer in hand, he steals the attention of the spectators of such a sad painting.

These events occurred in the Olaya Herrera sector of Cartagena, where, as in the main cities of the country, COVID-19 cases have soared again.

The ICBF pronounces

The Colombian Institute of Family Welfare (ICBF) and the Childhood and Adolescence Police confirmed that they work in a coordinated manner to find the adults responsible for allowing children to ingest intoxicating beverages. For her part, Lina Arbeláez, General Director of the ICBF, pointed out that “the person who delivers intoxicating drinks or facilitates their acquisition to minors will be sanctioned in accordance with the norms established for dispensers in the National or Departmental Police Codes” . He also called on parents to assume their role as co-responsible in the protection and guarantee of the rights of their children.

“It is unacceptable that parents and caregivers encourage the consumption of intoxicating beverages among their children, putting not only their health at risk, but their integrity and life,” said the Director of the ICBF.

Arbeláez also reported that through the ICBF headquarters in Bolívar, in conjunction with the Childhood and Adolescence Police and the Family Police Station, the location of the girls and boys that can be seen in the video images is carried out to carry out the necessary actions and carry out awareness-raising processes on the prevention of alcohol consumption by minors, among others, in order for them to grow up in an environment that guarantees rights.

“It is not enough to tell minors that they cannot drink or forbid it, we must be consistent, not send contradictory messages and take care of them to avoid repeating adult behaviors,” concluded the official.

Statement from the National Police

For its part, the Metropolitan Police of Cartagena, led by Subcomandante Jorge Albeiro Carrillo Delgado, issued a statement in which they reported on the location of the mothers of two of the girls who participated in the “party”, whom they led to the Family Police Station while the ICBF works to restore their rights. Likewise, the Police confirmed that the video was recorded during the night of December 31 in La Heroica.

After the investigation work that led to the location of the houses and the families involved, members of the Childhood and Adolescence Police, together with the Quadrants of the Virgin and Tourist Police Station, “led the two mothers, and the two six-year-old girls, for the restoration of their rights, before the Family Police Station and the Colombian Family Welfare Institute, who will define the sanction for this conduct and the responsibility of the parents. From this moment on, an investigation process is carried out for the crime of supplying to a minor, provided for in article 381 of the Colombian Penal Code, Law 599 of 2,000, against the mothers of the minors who starred in this video: Whoever supplies or facilitates a minor drug that produces dependence or induces it to use it, will incur in prison from (96) months to (216) months, ”the statement said.

In the following video you can see the moment when the girls and their mothers are taken to the Family Police Station.
