Chamber calls for humanitarian flight to repatriate Colombians in Ecuador


There are about 400 Colombians who are stranded in the neighboring country. For this reason, 18 representatives asked the Foreign Ministry for a way for those affected by the closure of borders to return to the country.

About 18 representatives asked the Foreign Ministry for a humanitarian flight to bring the 400 Colombians who are stranded in Ecuador. Chancellery

Since March 16, the borders with Ecuador have been closed, due to the outbreak of the coronavirus that strikes Colombia and the neighboring country. There is no land crossing and there are no flights between both nations. This caused hundreds of Colombians who were there – on the go, on business, among other reasons – to become trapped and with limited resources to survive.

The situation of these Colombians has been aggravated because the situation in Ecuador has been more serious than in the national territory. For all these reasons, several of them have asked the representatives to collaborate in making them aware of the lack of attention from consular offices and the need for a humanitarian flight to return to the country.

See: More than 100 Colombians stranded in the US USA and Canada await government help

About 18 representatives sent a letter to Foreign Minister Claudia Blum asking her to grant a flight that would bring the 400 Colombians who were trapped in Ecuador after the borders were closed. “(We ask) that a humanitarian flight be repaired quickly for the repatriation of compatriots, guaranteeing compliance with Resolution 1032 of 2020 on Migration Colombia (which establishes the protocol for the return of Colombians abroad who are in vulnerable condition due to the coronavirus) ”.

In addition to requesting the humanitarian flight, which solves the “dramatic situation” of Colombians in the neighboring country, the representatives denounced that several of the trapped people stated “having or no communication with the consular authorities or even blockades in communication platforms.”

The signatories of the letter highlighted the case of the embassies in Canada and Chile and the consulates in Houston and Mexico City, where “diplomatic career officials and provisional officials have understood that these are times to be in permanent service.”

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According to Resolution 1032 of 2020, which establishes the protocol for the return to the country of Colombian citizens abroad, it is explained that the humanitarian flight must be covered by the person who is waiting to travel. According to some of the applicants in the United States, this position would cost around $ USD300, making it unclear whether Colombians in Ecuador would have to cover a similar price.

These humanitarian flights have already begun to bring Colombians from various countries. Only on April 27, a flight of this type brought about 150 Colombians who were stranded in Mexico after the closure of air borders decreed by the Colombian government. On that occasion, the flight was managed by the Foreign Ministry, the Colombian Ministry of Transport and Migration, entities that have been working to facilitate the arrival of flights on a humanitarian basis.


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Political Writing – [email protected]


Chamber calls for humanitarian flight to repatriate Colombians in Ecuador



