Cartagena receives the first commercial flight from Bogotá tomorrow | THE UNIVERSAL


Cartagena warms up for the resumption of air operations. After five months of dispatching around 90 humanitarian flights, the Rafael Núñez International Airport will receive the first commercial flight from Bogotá tomorrow.

According to information known to The universalThis is Avianca flight 9542, with an A320 aircraft, whose capacity is 154 passengers and will land around 9:35 in the morning.

On this flight, the president of Avianca will arrive, who will be at a press conference in the company of the mayor of Cartagena, William Dau, and other officials, to give more details of how the air reactivation will be under all protocols.

It was also known that in the next few days flights will arrive from Bogotá, Cali, Medellín, Pereira and Bucaramanga.

“Those first flights, from the first of September, are the beginning of a great tourist operation in the city. We know that it will not be easy, we are coordinating with the authorities, the effort of the Police is essential for the control of public spaces to generate trust and biosecurity ”, said Irvin Pérez, Executive President of the Cartagena Tourism Corporation.

It is important to note that according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Health, in the event that a traveler exhibits symptoms before the flight, they must immediately inform the airline, as well as their EPS and consequently they will not be able to fly. If this situation occurs at the destination and the result of COVID-19 is positive, the person or more members of their family must do strict isolation in the place determined by the local authorities.

“It is defined that for such a case it is the traveler who will assume the cost of the isolation process. In addition, the airline must reissue the return ticket to the city of origin only until the period of isolation or quarantine has ended, as the case may be, determined by the health authority, “said the ministry.

International, on hold

On the other hand, although there is still no clarity on the reactivation of international flights in the country, recently the Vice Minister of the Interior, Daniel Palacios, referred to the fact that it could start at the Cartagena or Barranquilla airports, which is where they have been working that possibility.

For his part, Mayor Dau has repeatedly said that “the city does not care if a flight arrives from Bogotá, Medellín, Bucaramanga or New York, or from any city in Europe, the important thing is that those who arrive on a flight continue the protocols to ensure that they do not bring contagion nor that the people of Cartagena infect them ”.

Against this background, Rafael Núñez reported that international humanitarian flights will continue in September, taking into account that there are already five scheduled.

The protocols at the airport

For the reception of this first flight, and of the following ones, the airport has all the biosecurity protocols ready, as they have been applied in humanitarian operations.

Passengers will be subjected to a rigorous temperature control when entering the terminal and access with companions is prohibited. At all times they must wear a mask and any other personal protection element that they consider appropriate.

Similarly, employees receive biosecurity training. They will wear protective suits with masks and gloves, and have an established protocol for frequent hand washing and disinfection.

At the airport there will be installed more than 30 dispensers of antibacterial gel, more than 1,000 signs of physical distancing, shoe disinfection mats at the entrance, more than 20 special cans to dispose of biological waste such as masks, gloves and glasses and all the points passenger care have acrylic protectors.

“We have signage on the floor to indicate the distance that there should be between person and person in the queues, as well as information pieces that indicate the seats that should not be used, in order to avoid closeness between the passengers waiting in the boarding hall and elements such as banners, stickers and videos with necessary and relevant information ”, indicated the Sociedad Aeroportuaria de la Costa, Sacsa, operator of the airport.

Taxi drivers are ready too

Additionally, the Rafael Núñez Airport Taxi Drivers Association is also ready to provide the service to tourists.

In this new phase, Sacsa took the measure of suppressing the office of the taxi module located in the national arrival in order to avoid crowds of passengers during the activity, so the information of authorized taxis and the value of the rates, according to the Decree of the Datt, must be consulted through the airport website, at the link https://a

Among the measures applied by taxi drivers is the cleaning of the vehicle twice a day with specialized machinery using anonymous fifth-generation quaternary; use of mandatory protection measures throughout the service and stock of antibacterial gel and alcohol in vehicles.
