Carlos Holmes Trujillo: Ministry of Defense is intubated and with coronavirus pneumonia – Services – Justice


Presidency of the Republic delivered an update on the health conditions of Defense Minister Carlos Holmes Trujillo, who since last January 12 reported having been infected with coronavirus and he has been admitted to the Military Hospital since January 13.

The Presidency noted that, according to the Military Hospital, the senior official is still hospitalized in an intensive care unit (ICU) and his diagnosis is that of a viral pneumonia due to coronavirus.

Due to this situation, the presidency indicated, he is “receiving strict monitoring and comprehensive medical treatment by the multidisciplinary team.”

(Read also: Commander of the Military Forces, in charge of Defense Ministry).

In its statement, the Presidency also ensures that the Minister of Defense is under the effects of sedation and relaxation, and “under invasive mechanical ventilation and support and monitoring measures indicated by their clinical condition “.

He also noted that for the moment, Trujillo’s medical condition is stable “with adequate response to established therapies”.

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As has been known, the Minister of Defense has medical conditions and comorbidities that merit special care in the face of the spread of coronavirus, He is hypertensive, has hypothyroidism and obesity.

This Monday the Government appointed the Commander of the Military Forces, General Luis Fernando Navarro Jiménez, as the Minister of Defense in charge, who will be in charge of this portfolio until Trujillo recovers and can resume his functions.

Navarrese He had already been the Minister of Defense in charge in November 2019, when Minister Guillermo Botero resigned for the criticism he received after a bombing by the Public Force of a dissidents camp where there were minors.

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