Carletto’s plan for James’ rebirth


With a blue shirt and with the number 19 on the back, James Rodríguez debuted this Sunday in the Premier League ready to leave behind the ghosts that have haunted him in his last stage in Madrid. To do this, he decided to move to Liverpool with his football ‘father’, Carlo Ancelotti. They understand each other. The Italian was able to get his best in Madrid after shining in the World Cup but the team crashed and the results doomed the Italian. They never understood each other with Zidane and, after a brief journey from Munich to both, their union in Goodison Park starts off with a good taste.

Since his arrival at Everton began to sound, fans and experts asked the same question: Will James be able to withstand the physical level of the Premier? This Sunday, Carletto turned his cards around and proved to have the winning hand. “I’m not worried about the physical. If I was worried I would have signed Bolt, not James,” he said, eyebrow raised, before the Sky Sports microphones at the end of the game with a 1-0 victory against Tottenham thanks to a goal by Calvert-Lewin. Although the one from Cúcuta left without so much or assistance, his remarkable match hinted that Carlo’s plans for him work.

A ‘false extreme’ with a well covered back

Everton Shield / Flag

At the end of the match, Carlo explained what could be seen on the green. James plays protected to be able to overturn in attack. “If we consider the physical aspect, James is not the fastest player in the world but he has a lot of quality. We have to put it so you can show it. It is not a right winger but it goes inside and there, between the lines, it is very dangerous, “she said.

On the board, Ancelotti’s Everton forms with a 1-4-3-3 but, although James starts from the band, he is a false winger. As Carlo explains, the Colombian is not ordered to seek the bottom line and center like a classic band, but rather to enter with a different leg to give the ball to his teammates in advantageous areas. Also, to look for the shot with his left hand. His data shows the effectiveness of Carletto’s plan: five occasions generated, three shots, 83% success in the pass and up to eleven successful shipments in the final third of the field with a remarkable 78% effectiveness. Everton’s attack goes through his feet.

In addition, Carlo has opened a range of options for his shipments. If he does not shoot, up, Calvert-Lewin appears for the shot, from the other band, Richarlison and his speed give him an alternative long and for his, Coleman bends him constantly to receive and be able to hang the ball into the area. If he receives and decides to go back short, he can handle Doucouré, plus box to box, Allan or André Gomes, in the engine room. The two newcomers and the former Barcelona player are precisely his bodyguards. The Italian decides to carry muscle and work the rest of the midfield to ‘free’ James from too many defensive tasks but to keep the balance balanced. Likewise, the 19 was applied on occasions in defense, but not continuously knowing that they covered him.

Without playing since June 21 (against Real Sociedad) and hardly training with his new teammates, James deluded the Goodison Park fans in his first 90 minutes, which were expected to be lower than the offered level. The quality continues, now, the regularity is his great pending task. Carlo has already given him his place.
