Capricorn – Monday May 11, 2020: very happy moments await you | Capricorn horoscopes


Astrological newscast: the Moon is in Capricorn and today two important planetary events occur, one is the retrograde transit of your ruler, the planet Saturn, to the sign of Aquarius, another is the direct transit of Mercury to Gemini. We are in the vibration of 2, which indicates the union with another person, the couple. The planetoid Pluto remains retrograde in Capricorn.

You are under a strong planetary impact, Capricorn, with your ruler in retrograde transit, with Pluto retrograde in your sign and in a few days so will Jupiter.

Today you feel that premonitory effluvium enveloping your life. Watch your steps and take a good look at the landscape around you before launching to take a decisive step in your love life or in your economy such as buying a house, a car or expensive equipment. If you had previous plans there are no problems, but check everything.

A situation is coming that you did not think was going to happen, but the good news is that it will be a pleasant experience. Always remember the recommendation, success is not from the strongest, but from those who adapt best.

10 dreams of love and how to interpret them


Your mind is projected into the future and your current relationship will vibrate according to your interests or will be left behind, whoever loves you well must accept you as you are. Remember, there are things that we can overcome, and it is correct to try, but there are others that we simply must accept as they are.

Allergies are your order of the day today. If you know the products or situations that trigger your adverse reactions, try to avoid them as much as possible so you will not have difficulties in your body.

The influence of the Moon in transit through your Capricorn sign this Monday ostensibly helps you in your daily work by imparting a sense of balance and measure in everything. You can concretize your ideas and make your efforts recognized as they should. You enjoy good vibes during this weekend.

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Money and fortune
Apply the diligence that characterizes your sign and you will take economic advantage of a situation that seemed adverse. The money you need is hanging around you and in a very short time you will have solved many urgent financial problems.

Today’s astral biorhythm
Sexual energy level this Monday: moderate.
Cosmic dynamics that you must take advantage of: the subliminal messages that you are receiving from your inner being.
Today’s dangerous trend in your Capricorn sign Monday: take on other people’s responsibilities by complicating your reality for today.
What should I avoid ?: Let yourself be manipulated by negative and entangling people.

Quote of the day: always look for the company of positive people because optimism is contagious, but pessimism too.

Couple prediction for today Monday
Today’s best relationship: This Monday things will go very well for you if your partner is from a water or land sign, particularly Cancer or Pisces.
The most tense relationship: it tends to be with Aries and Leo.
Your current compatibility: in general there is a good compatibility in your Capricorn sign, better on land and water.
If you are single or single: a new reality presents itself and what you thought was love will be something else.

The most recurring dreams, part 1
