Cali and neighboring municipalities concentrate 87.3% of coronavirus cases in the Valley


The epidemiological curve of Cali and the metropolitan area is a plateau that has been maintained for four months, although with small deviations and a daily average of cases in October that oscillates 487, that is, 73 more than that registered in September. However, it is in the capital of Valle del Cauca and the municipalities of Jamundí, Yumbo, Candelaria, Palmira and Dagua that 87.3% of the cases registered to date in the department are concentrated (more than 80,900).

“This plateau coincides with our indiscipline, which is not so much, given that many have incorporated self-care measures, but it is precisely that trend that we must maintain to respond to the pandemic and do not overflow our capabilities of the health system,” he explained María Cristina Lesmes, Secretary of Health of the Valley, who indicated that the metropolitan area has already exceeded 66,100 cases this week.

Regarding the deaths in said circuit, the official pointed out that these have increased by 17% with a total of 320 with a cut to October 26, but clarified that the daily average is 12 deaths, well below the peaks that showed up, for example, in August, which averaged up to 24 COVID patient deaths a day.

High incidence in Yumbo

For every 100,000 inhabitants in Yumbo, 1,492 end up contracting the covid. This indicator makes it the municipality with the highest incidence rate in Valle del Cauca after Cali, whose figure is 2,621.

It is due to this situation that the mayor of Yumbo, Jhon Jairo Santamaría, decreed the dry law and the curfew for this holiday bridge in which ‘Halloween’ will be celebrated. The mobility restriction begins on Friday at 10:00 p.m. until 5:00 a.m., continues on Saturday between 5:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. the next day and ends on Sunday at 10:00 pm until 5:00 am “This is in order to avoid crowds that usually form in parks during ‘Halloween’,” said Santamaría.

It should be noted that the industrial city of Valle has registered 1,664 positive cases, with 155 active, of which eight are in ICU. In addition, 63 people have died of coronavirus with cut to October 27.

The least hit municipalities

While Candelaria has presented an increase in cases of 18% in the last month, Dagua has experienced an increase of 18.5%.

“Although our curve is very similar to that of the department, that is to say, plateau type, the projection is downward. Something that worries at this time is that most infections occur in family settings where there is a patient reported as positive, “said Angelly Crispino, Secretary of Health for Candelaria, who added that for now there are 73 active patients.

It should be remembered that this municipality will also apply the curfew for this holiday bridge with the same Yumbo hours, except that between Sunday and holiday Monday the restriction begins at 5:00 pm and ends at 5:00 am

As for Dagua, its active cases are only 14. Given its low involvement, the Valle Health Secretariat has stated that it is not possible to make projections at this time.

80% occupancy in the ICU of Palmira

“We cannot speak of a regrowth in Palmira when the first wave has not even ended or diminished, given that we still retain that plateau behavior with slight zigazags.” This was stated by Mayor Óscar Escobar, who recalled that in the municipality there are around 300 active cases and a covid mortality rate of 44 people per 100,000 inhabitants, that is, the third in the metropolitan area after Cali and Yumbo.

As explained by the President, this is due to the fact that Palmira is the municipality of the Valley that has the largest adult population compared to its inhabitants in general. Also, the reproduction speed of the covid (Rt) is 1.16, which means that every 100 infected transmit the virus to another 160 people.

Escobar added: “ICU occupancy has always been 90% or 100%, given that until before the pandemic there were only 19 beds for 350,000 inhabitants, but during the health emergency it was possible to increase the capacity to 67 units, which they are 80% occupied ”.

Jamundí: with a downward trend

Although Jamundí has ​​presented an increase of 19.3% in the covid patients reported in October compared to September (more than 1820 so far this month), it has managed to reduce the level of duplication, that is, the number of days estimated in which the municipality could take time to double its cases: while that indicator was at 99 days at the beginning of October, today it is at 137.

“This suggests that we are already taking the first steps so that this plateau begins to descend,” said Andrés Felipe Sandoval, the municipality’s Health Secretary.

However, the official pointed out that there are “moles” that worry about their risk in transmitting the virus. For example, events between family and friends in residential areas, which become conglomerates with a 12% prevalence in transmission.

“But none is more at risk than companies, with a 16% prevalence, with workers working with mild symptoms or lax self-care at lunch,” he said.

Other municipalities

The municipalities in the north of the Valley are those with the fastest increase. One of them is Calima-El Darién, which in three months went from being a municipality with zero cases to reporting 84 to date, of which 29 are active. Likewise, Buga worries, with an incidence rate of 1,435 infected per 100,000 people, or Tuluá, with 935.

For its part, the Buenaventura District has 59 covid assets, of which 28 are hospitalized and 4 are in ICU.
