Caldas reached 7,760 infections by covid-19: 3,623 are active


THE COUNTRY | Manizales

The Territorial Directorate of Health of Caldas reported this holiday Monday 139 new infections by covid-19 and a death in Viterbo due to the virus.

With these figures, the department reaches 7,760 infections, of which 3,951 have recovered and 3,623 are active. There are 61 people hospitalized and 50 in Intensive Care Units. 164 people have died in the department from the virus.

Infections from were reported in Manizales (103), Anserma (1), Chinchiná (6), Philadelphia (1), La Dorada (1), Palestina (2), Riosucio (2), Risaralda (1), Supía (5 ) and Villamaría (17).

In the country


The Colombian Ministry of Health reported on Monday 7,767 new cases of coronavirus and 151 deaths, bringing the country to 919,083 infections and 27,985 deaths due to the pandemic.

Antioquia, for the fourth consecutive day, had the highest number of positives in the country with 2,624, that is, 685 more than those reported on Sunday by health authorities.

After Antioquia, Bogotá (1,025), Valle (516), Huila (397), Santander (282), Boyacá (273), Risaralda (251), Cesar (243), Caquetá and Meta (221) followed; Caldas (215) and Quindío (200).

There were also high figures in Cundinamarca (174), Norte de Santander (148), Tolima (145), Casanare (134), Bolívar (120), La Guajira (106), Nariño (101) and Atlántico (99).

Regarding the deaths of the day, 151, the highest numbers were in Antioquia (35), Bogotá (21), Huila (14), Valle del Cauca (12), Santander (9) and Tolima (7).

Others occurred in Cundinamarca, La Guajira and Norte de Santander (6); Cesar, Boyacá, Quindío and Risaralda (4); Caquetá and Cauca (3), Atlántico and Bolívar (2).

Finally, in Magdalena, Córdoba, Sucre, San Andrés, Casanare, Meta, Putumayo, Chocó and Caldas there was one death in each of those departments.

After Bogotá, which has 288,870 positive cases and remains the largest focus of the pandemic, the regions with the most accumulated infections are Antioquia (134,342), Valle del Cauca (70,193), Atlántico (69,025), Cundinamarca (36,894), Santander ( 35,495), Bolívar (30,785), Córdoba (24,981) and Cesar (22,661).

This Sunday 28,318 tests were processed, 22,162 of them are of the PCR type and 6,156 of antigens, for a total of 4.18 million samples taken.

Of the total number of infections, 90,621 are still active, that is, 9.85%, while 798,396 patients have overcome the disease, a figure that corresponds to 86.8%.
