Brazil: Evangelical pastor attacked his wife during live broadcast | Viral video – Latin America – International


As Edson Araujo, from the church Dios es Amor, the evangelical pastor who attacked his wife was identified during a live broadcast for his faithful.

The event was aired without the aggressor noticing and while the woman helped him to balance the technical part of the transmission.

His ‘annoyance’ would have been the position of the camera.
(Also read: Man opened a pregnant woman’s stomach to find out the baby’s sex).

“What the fuck. Do things right, idiot ”, the man yelled. Then he rose to his feet and threw a powerful blow that moved to the camera.

After his violent act, he sat down, ‘keeping his composure’, and began his sermon for the day.

“Accept the peace of the Lord”, he said, as if nothing, before the thousands who had seen and heard his aggression.

(We recommend: A woman denounces that she was brutally beaten by the police in Montería).

The video of the situation was shared on social networks and went viral both in São Paulo (the Brazilian city where the situation occurred) and throughout the world.

One day later, on Saturday, September 19, the man uploaded a clip, accompanied by his partner, in which he apologizes for what happened.

Evangelical pastor’s assault on his wifeMoment of the aggression of the evangelical pastor to his partner.

Evangelical pastor assaults his wife

Moment of the aggression of the evangelical pastor to his partner.

(Also read: Brutal attack by self-described white supremacist on a woman).

“I had problems with the team we broadcast with and I acted in the wrong way. I can’t have that behavior or speak like that, it doesn’t correspond to my way of being. (With my wife) we have lived together for four years and we have never had problems, ”he said.

“I want to ask forgiveness from God, my wife and those who have trusted in my work,” he added.

Brazil is one of the countries with the worst rates of violence against women: according to the German media ‘DW’, “every seven hours a femicide is committed.”

In addition, last April, and in the midst of the pandemic due to the new coronavirus that the world is experiencing, the South American country reported a 35% increase in complaints of violence against women compared to the same month of 2019.

(See also: Man who allegedly murdered his daughter in Cali ordered to jail).

