Brawl between two neighbors in Riohacha ended with a cremated house and a dead woman


With a house destroyed by the flames, a fight between two neighbors in the Dividivi sector, in Riohacha, department of La Guajira. According to witnesses, there were two minors in the cremated residence.

“They came to threaten us, we did not know that this was going to happen, we tried to avoid as much as possible. First, they came with firearms to attack us, “said one of the people affected by the fire.

The other family involved in the incident gave a different version of the fight, as a result of which a woman suffered a cardiorespiratory arrest and died.

“Some boys got into her house there and stole some money from her. Then, she came so desperate, to my mother, to tell a brother of mine to help her because the peeled ones were there on the corner. So, my brother went out with those anxieties to have the money given to my sister and my mother got too upset, “said one of the victims of the fight.

While the authorities continue with the corresponding investigations, an Esmad group continues in Commune 10 to avoid confrontations between the two families.

“There is an act of intolerance, where two people, who are friends and residents of the same sector, initiate a reciprocal fight,” said Colonel Hernán Gómez, commander of the Riohacha Police District.

The officer noted that “as a result of that fight, the mother of one of the people who is intervening in the fight suffers from the shock, suffers a medical situation, is transferred to a health center and dies of a cardiorespiratory arrest.”

The authorities called to avoid acts of intolerance in times of pandemic and invited families to dialogue and reconciliation.

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