Renan Bolsonaro, a law student, also said, on a platform where they broadcast ‘online’ games, that COVID-19 is “just a little bud”, as his father has done repeatedly despite the fact that Brazil already exceeds 85,000 confirmed cases.
“What pandemic are they talking about? This is a story of the means for you to lock yourself in your house and think that it is the end of the world. Suppose I have the virus. Ok, I’d rather die having sex than coughingRenan settled, quoted by the newspaper La Nación.
According to that newspaper, the controversial recording was recorded on April 20, but it only reached the media in the last hours, after people went viral on social networks.
Therefore, seeing that it was a trend, Renan Bolsonaro himself published the video on his Twitter account and wrote: “Here is the full video, it was a joke and it was taken out of context“
Nando Moura, here it is or full video. Foi uma brincadeira that vc tirou of context! Vc é um mau charáter e everybody knows disso!@
Those statements are very close to the speech of Jair Bolsonaro, his father. For example, on Tuesday, the President of Brazil released a phrase that stunned journalists who listened to him.
According to the same protagonists Africans from the viral video, where they dance at funerals, that is their job and they do it because relatives of the dead hire them to make those events more joyous.
The subjects in question are from Ghana and were recorded by the BBC, which made a report in 2015 about the particular ritual that originated in that country of hiring people who `` cheer '' funerals in that way.
Below, the TikTok video that generated the critics and some comments about it:
u2014 ESSENTIAL Julia Song (@realjuliasong) April 29, 2020
If I see one more choreographed TikTok made by nurses in hospitals, I u2019ll never call a fucking nurse a hero again. Idgaf come at me / 8QjPzDkLne
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That was the data that was released this Thursday in the Minsalud report, where it is shown that so far there is no recovered patient of those who were diagnosed as carriers of COVID-19.
The health authorities are also concerned about the fact that between 27 and 30 April the cases of contagion detected have gone from 40 to 104, and that until a few days ago the positives in this area of the country were very low.
That s u00ed, it should be taken into account that there are samples that until now are being analyzed and that the first contagions were reported in major cities.
But what alarms this report is that people have already died from the precise virus at a crucial moment, since general doctors and specialists from the San Rafael de Leticia hospital threatened a massive resignation.
Professionals complain that if the virus takes advantage in the territory it could be deadly, and they denounce the lack of inputs and protection elements to face the pandemic.
One more fact, and no less important, that adds to this crisis is that, according to two days ago, Deputy Minister of Health Alex u00e1nder Moscoso explained, no doctor in the country wants to go to this area to work.
u201cWe have a problem because unfortunately no Colombian doctor has wanted to attend this call to [ir] to the Amazon, Moscoso argued, in his speech at the Third Committee of the Senate.
What they are sending to the Amazon is military, because according to Moscoso u201c2 more battalions will be mobilized to promote security both land and river u201d.
In this regard, several political figures launched an urgent appeal to attend to the crisis in Leticia, as it is suspected that the virus could have entered through the border with Brazil.
Urgent attention is given to the Amazonas department; especially to the municipality of Leticia that today is constituted with an incidence of 8.3 per 10,000 inhabitants, 40 positive cases in less than two weeks and 5 deaths.
u2014 Paloma Valencia L (@PalomaValenciaL) April 28, 2020
F u00edjense you In Leticia, Amazonas, the pandemic entered Brazil, where the handling of the subject has been different from ours. Today there is beginning to be an emergency in that city. Our southern border, Nari u00f1o, Amazonas, needs a special plan, president @IvanDuque
Faced with this crisis, the Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz, announced this Thursday, in the presidential broadcast, that he will visit Leticia over the weekend to analyze the situation, since he assures that there are cases of asymptomatic patients. u00e1ticos that could complicate the picture.
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The social communicator also spoke of the little girl's enormous desire to chat with her father Tuesday, who died 3 years ago in a car accident, and that's why she thought u00f3 That technology will be a great help to express your feelings to the singer.
Paula Elena tried to send a voice note to Mart u00edn El u00edas, and although her mother told her that there were no cell phones in the place where her father was, the little one assured that u201c God does magic u201d.
Because of this sweet request, Dayana Jaimes overflowed with tenderness because the u201cinocency of children is pure and true, without any filter u201d.
Next, Dayana Jaimes' tweet where she recounted what happened with her little girl:
Paula wants to send a voice note to the father, I tell him that there are no cell phones there and she replies that God works magic. The innocence of children is pure and true, without any filter. ud83d ude4f ud83c udffb u2764 ufe0f
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In addition to companies authorized to transport passengers by road, the Government's special permit also includes special transport.
And the Ministry of Transport points out that it will have to have insurance policies that support the provision of the service and adopt the required biosafety protocols to prevent and control the spread of the coronavirus.
So by means of the Resolution 130 of 2020, broadcast on Blu Radio, the District established that this service will be provided in Bogot u00e1 from May 1 and will remain in effect as long as the state of public calamity declared u201d by the Mayor lasts. u00eda from the capital.
The goal, says Resolution 130 of 2020 is u201c decrease the occupation in the SITP, especially the transfers that are made in the stations of the Americas Carrera 53 and Pradera with the trunk system u201d.
That means the route provided by inter-municipal buses through the Calle 13 corridor will be extended u201c in order to bring passengers closer to the downtown area and distribute the transfers to be made in seven more stations of the Trunk system u201d.
To collect and drop passengers, that route will have two routes: in the sense u2018 entering Bogota u2019 only people will be able to descend and in u00a0 the direction u2018 leaving Bogot u00e1 u2019 only passengers will be allowed to ascend in the bus stops authorized for the inter-municipal service and in the stretch of extension, previously mentioned, in the bus stops established for the SITP.
The Ministry of Mobility and the Cundinamarca Governance will evaluate the behavior of the measure, and if demand increases in other corridors of entry to the city, it will authorize new routes for inter-municipal services.
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The paisa woman finally gave a statement to the prosecutor of the case, after last Tuesday she criminally denounced the footballer Sebasti u00e1n Villa for gender violence.
The Ol u00e9 newspaper had access to the details of the testimony that the Colombian gave. According to that Argentine media outlet, Daniela Cort u00e9s u201ccont u00f3 u2018 any discussion ended in blows u2019. In addition, he confessed that u2018 received blows, kicks, punches, never needed hospitalization u2019, and that before did not request assistance to avoid becoming public and not harm the career of his partner u201d.
Cort u00e9s, Villa's partner for two years, insisted that there were several episodes of violence against her and that her relatives and partners of other footballers are witnesses to this. In addition, Ol u00e9 learned that the Colombian woman specified that the last attack that she received from the Boca Juniors player before she accused him through social networks was given product of some blows that he would have given with the hand in which he will have an engagement ring.
In her appearance before the prosecutor of the case, the Colombian also stated that the only thing she wants is to return to Colombia soon to be with her family and that With this complaint that he filed against Villa, he is not interested in harming the footballer.
Argentine justice prohibited the Colombian from being less than 1.5 kilometers from her and leaving Argentina. In any case, it is impossible for the flyer to escape from the country since the Government of that country has closed its borders for several weeks due to the quarantine that it designed against the coronavirus.
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The measure will be taken by considering these citizens as u00a0prone to COVID-19, highlighted Caracol Radio.
These teams will be monitored by 2 professionals from the Ministry of Health of Soacha and from the Social Company of the State of that municipality, the station highlighted.
In addition, there will be the Immediate attention of an ambulance and a doctor. This will be in charge of making a diagnosis of those identified for, depending on the case, Take them home or to the Cardiovascular Hospital in the city.
Caracol Radio highlighted that there will be a pilot plan together with the National Police and, according to the results of the operation of the chamber, it could be replicated in different stations.
The Mayor of Soacha, Juan Carlos Saldarriaga, quoted by El EspectadorHe said that this is the cradle of the cameras with the highest technology in the world and will allow improving conditions for when the city opens.
Saldarriaga added that u201cesta is the first thermal camera in the country, u00a0y Soacha will allow u00e1 to see how effective it is u201d. Later, it could reach the points with more agglomerations of the municipality, added the newspaper.
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Durante la conversaciu00f3n, en la que tambiu00e9n estuvo el doctoru00a0Miguel Bettin, director de la Fundaciu00f3n CreSer, Manuel no tuvo problema en referirse a la sombra que lo acompau00f1a desde hace mu00e1s o menos 13 au00f1os.
u201cYo no tengo ningu00fan reparo en decir que yo soy un alcohu00f3lico en recuperaciu00f3nu201c, explicu00f3 Teodoro, quien agregu00f3 que el adicto o alcohu00f3lico no deja de serlo nunca, es algo con la que se lucha a diario, u201ccon o sin pandemia, con o sin fiestasu201d.
u201cSiempre somos adictos y siempre somos alcohu00f3licos. Si ahorita estuviera en mi consumo activo, es muy probable que en este momento ya estaru00eda borrachou201c, agregu00f3 el periodista.
Ademu00e1s, con respecto de la presiu00f3n que tienen aquellos que estu00e1n en aislamiento, Manuel aseguru00f3 que en su caso se comunica con grupos de apoyo de amigos que viven con el mismo problema y esto le ha ayudado mucho.
Teodoro tambiu00e9n se refiriu00f3 a la fuerza que necesitan aquellas personas en este momento, pues en cualquier momento pueden recaer.
u201cYo tambiu00e9n soy alcohu00f3lica en recuperaciu00f3nu201c, aprovechu00f3 para confesar Dora Glottman, y explicu00f3 que lleva alrededor de un au00f1o sin ningu00fan licor, y se atreve a confesarlo ahora por que es un momento en el que muchos necesitan apoyo.
En el caso de Manuel, u00e9l se ha valido de lecturas relacionadas con el tema para no recaer, u201cla espiritualidadu201d y u201corar por la mau00f1anau201d.
u201cAfortunadamente no convivo con alcohu00f3licos. No tengo mucha cercanu00eda con amigos que consumen tragosu201d, cerru00f3 el comunicador, y la periodista recordu00f3 en la charla la importancia de pedir ayuda cuando se estu00e9 a punto de caer.
Esta es la grabaciu00f3n; las declaraciones de Manuel Teodoro se pueden escuchar a partir del minuto 5: 15.
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De igual forma, se contribuiru00e1 con el 10 % para los estratos 3 y 4 en el ciclo de facturaciu00f3n de abril y mayo.
La mandataria distrital dijo que el alivio incluiru00e1 a los servicios de acueducto y alcantarillado, energu00eda elu00e9ctrica, gas y aseo.
En ese sentido, la Alcaldu00eda revelu00f3 que la Empresa de Acueducto y Alcantarillado de Bogotu00e1 daru00e1 un alivio adicional de 15.056 pesos en el valor de la factura del ciclo de facturaciu00f3nu00a0de abril y mayo.
Con esta medida se estaru00eda cubriendo un consumo adicional de 1,41 metros cu00fabicos al mes para los hogares de estrato 1, 2, 3 y 4.
Con el recibo del gas, los ciudadanos de estratos 1 y 2 recibiru00e1n un descuento del 20 %u00a0sobre el valor a pagar en los meses de abril y mayo. Los de estratos 3 y 4 se veru00e1n beneficiados con el 10 % sobre el valor del metro cu00fabico.
El Distrito destacu00f3 que un 10 % es aportado por Vanti para estratos 1 y 2 y otro 10 % adicional es aportado por la Alcaldu00eda para estratos 1, 2, 3 y 4.
De igual manera, la Secretaru00eda Distrital del Hu00e1bitat y el Ministerio de Vivienda tambiu00e9n daru00e1n un alivio transitorio en arrendamiento a los hogares mu00e1s vulnerables.
Lu00f3pez dijo que es grande el esfuerzo que se estu00e1 haciendo pese a que u201ctodos estamos pasando por una situaciu00f3n difu00edcilu201d.
Este es el anuncio de la alcaldesa:
Noticia en desarrollou2026
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Los pasos para hacer parte de esta causa y donar son muy sencillos:
En primer lugar, debe entrar a la pu00e1gina webu00a0colombiacuidacolombia.comu00a0y elegir cu00f3mo quiere ayudar a otros ciudadanos. Hay 3 opciones:
Recuerde que puede comprometerse a hacer una ayuda cada mes del monto que desee desde 10.000 pesos y tambiu00e9n puede escoger la opciu00f3n de hacer una donaciu00f3n u00fanica desde el mismo monto.
Este espacio estaru00e1 lleno de mu00fasica e inspiraciu00f3n con el propu00f3sito de conseguir recursos para ayudar a millones de colombianos. Estaru00e1n presentes estrellas colombianas de la mu00fasica de talla internacional para acompau00f1ar este evento.
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var gFirtsArticle = {"id":"PP890219","titles":{"main":""Prefiero morir teniendo sexo a morir tosiendo": Renan Bolsonaro sigue los pasos de su padre","facebook":"#Video Tambiu00e9n dijo que el coronavirus es un invento de los medios.","seo":"Hijo de Bolsonaro dice que prefiere morir teniendo sexo que tosiendo"},"phrases":{"main":"Al hijo menor del presidente de Brasil se le escuchu00f3 en un tono burlu00f3n hablando en vivo sobre el coronavirus, que en su pau00eds ya deja mu00e1s de 5.900 muertos."},"categories":{"main":{"slug":"mundo","name":"Mundo"}},"urls":{"main":"/mundo/hijo-bolsonaro-dice-que-prefiere-morir-teniendo-sexo-que-tosiendo-PP890219"},"author":{"creator":{"user":"danilo.beltran","name":"Danilo Beltran"},"owner":{"id":"","name":"","image":"","profile":"","url":"","twitter":{"title":"","url":""},"urlFacebook":"","email":"","linkPersonal":"","teamPulzo":"","short_text":"","large_text":""}},"published":"1","type":"article","censorship":"0","unpublishImage":"0","ext":"jpg","created":"Abril 30, 2020 05:46 pm","updated":1588269513,"images":{"meta":{"title":"Renan y Jair Bolsonaro","credit":"AFP","description":"Hijo de Bolsonaro dice que prefiere morir teniendo sexo que tosiendo","alt":"Renan y Jair Bolsonaro","file":""},"types":{"thumb":"","mobile":"","medio":"","large":"","vertical":"","opening":"","gif":""}},"videos":{"main":{"image":"","url":"","title":"","embeded":""}},"externalUrl":"","carousel":"0","trinoTW":"","liveBlog":"0","shorthand":"","audio":"","tags":["Brasil","coronavirus","Jair Bolsonaro"],"sources":[{"title":"Coronavirus en Brasil. Renan, el hijo de Bolsonaro: "Prefiero morir teniendo sexo a morir tosiendo"","url":"","source":"La Naciu00f3n","fuente":"La Naciu00f3n"}],"related":[""],"body2":"nn
Renan Bolsonaro, estudiante de derecho, dijo ademu00e1s, en una plataforma donde transmiten juegos u2018onlineu2019, que elu00a0COVID-19 es u201csolo un pequeu00f1o broteu201d, como ha hecho su padre en reiteradas ocasiones a pesar de que Brasil ya supera los 85.000 casos confirmados.
u201cu00bfDe quu00e9 pandemia hablan? Esto es un cuento de los medios para que te encierres en tu casa y pienses que es el fin del mundo. Supongamos que tengo el virus. Ok, prefiero morir teniendo sexo que tosiendou201d, zanju00f3 Renan, citado por el diario La Naciu00f3n.
Segu00fan ese diario, la polu00e9mica grabaciu00f3n se grabu00f3 el pasado 20 de abril, pero solo llegu00f3 a los medios en las u00faltimas horas, despuu00e9s de que personas lo hicieran viral en redes sociales.
Por ello, al ver que era tendencia, el mismo Renan Bolsonaro publicu00f3 el video en su cuenta de Twitter y escribiu00f3: u201cAcu00e1 estu00e1 el video completo, era una broma y fue sacado de contextou201d.
Nando Moura, aqui estu00e1 o vu00eddeo na u00edntegra. Foi uma brincadeira que vc tirou de contexto! Vc u00e9 um mau caru00e1ter e todo mundo sabe disso!
Esas declaraciones se acercan mucho al discurso de Jair Bolsonaro, su padre. Por ejemplo, el martes, el presidente de Brasil lanzu00f3 una frase que deju00f3 atu00f3nitos a los periodistas que lo escuchaban.
u201cLo lamento, pero u00bfquu00e9 quieren que haga? Asu00ed es la vidau201d, expresu00f3 ante la creciente de contagios y muertes relacionadas con el coronavirus en Brasil, el pau00eds latino mu00e1s afectado por la pandemia.
Ademu00e1s de tratar de un simple u201cgripinhau201d alu00a0COVID-19, Bolsonaro tambiu00e9n dijo que no podu00eda hacer milagros, mientras la crisis se agrava.
Este jueves, las autoridades sanitarias de Brasil confirmaron que en las u00faltimas 24 fallecieronu00a0435 personas, con lo que el total de personas muertas llegu00f3 a 5.901.
El boletu00edn de situaciu00f3n diario emitido por el Ministerio de Salud seu00f1ala que, desde la vu00edspera, tambiu00e9n fueron confirmados 7.218 nuevos casos, la cifra mu00e1s alta en una sola jornada registrada en ese pu00e1is hasta ahora, lo cual llevu00f3 el total de contagiados a 85.380.
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