Bolsonaro uses homophobic insult to refer to the pandemic


(CNN Spanish) – President Jair Bolsonaro said that Brazil “has to stop being a country of queers” and face the disease, referring to covid-19.

“Everything is now a pandemic. We have to end this. I mourn the dead, I mourn them. We are all going to die one day. Here everyone is going to die, ”said Bolsonaro, who also had coronavirus in July.

«There is no use running away from that, fleeing from reality. We must stop being a country of queers, “added the president on Tuesday when presenting several initiatives to relaunch tourism, in a ceremony at the Planalto Palace.

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Bolsonaro once again defended the relevance of reopening the economy, warning about the situation of informal workers when they finish receiving the aid that the Government implemented during the pandemic and that is scheduled until the end of 2020.

During the pandemic, the president of Brazil has repeatedly attacked governors and mayors who implemented social isolation measures in their territories, arguing that “more people would die” if the economy stopped.

Brazil is the second country with the most deaths from coronavirus in the world and the third in the number of registered cases, according to Johns Hopkins University.
