Bogota | Yes there will be quarantine in Usaquén, Suba and Engativá and dry law in all Bogotá – Bogotá


The District Government and the National Government held a meeting to determine if the quarantine was authorized in three towns in Bogotá (Usaquén, Suba and Engativá) and other measures to contain the speed of contagion and mitigate the high UCI occupation.

To date, the general ICU occupancy is at 83.7% (and that of the ICU covid at 77.7%). There are 38,433 active cases throughout the city and 9,981 people have died.

(You may be interested in: Usaquén, Engativá and Suba will enter quarantine from this Tuesday)

The Mayor’s Office’s proposal, announced on Sunday night, was that Usaquén, Suba and Engativá go into quarantine from 00:00 on January 5 until 23:59 pm on January 17. The isolation was going to have rules similar to those experienced in this type of sectorized quarantines in 2020.

This implied isolating about 2.7 million people.

What the National Government said

Yes there will be quarantine by locations. However, the National Government expressed “reservations.”

“Given the insistence of the Bogotá Mayor’s Office to implement the measure, it has been accepted, with the condition that it will be evaluated on Tuesday,” they assured from the National Government.

To this, the Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz, assured that “the issue of the three localities was analyzed. The Ministry of Health expressed some reservations about the effectiveness of the measure, however, it also considered that there is not enough information regarding the measure. already taken unilaterally. It will be evaluated in the next advisory committee. ”

Thus, the measure will govern from this Tuesday, despite the reserves of the Nation.

(To continue reading: ‘Hospital red alert must be declared’: Bogotá Medical College)

And he also assured that there will be an additional measure: Prohibition.

– Restriction on the sale and consumption of intoxicating beverages throughout the city throughout the Kings Bridge from 6 pm on Friday to Tuesday at 5 am However, liquor addresses will not be restricted.

In addition, in Bogotá the peak and cedula and the peak and plate will continue.

(Further: Curfew, dry law and peak and cedula in Cundinamarca)

What the District responded

In the last minutes, the Mayor (e) of Bogotá, Luis Ernesto Gómez reacted to the pronouncement of the National Government:

“We received the concerns of the Minister that we share regarding the situation in Bogotá. We agreed to take measures, the Minister of Health and the Minister of the Interior asked us to evaluate additional measures that would have a general effect on the city. The recommendation was that in this bridge of kings we establish a restriction on the sale of intoxicating beverages and consumption in commercial establishments, “said Gómez.

He confirmed that this January 5 will begin the quarantine by locality and that on Tuesday, January 12, results will be evaluated with the National Government.

In addition, he maintained that all these efforts are made with the objective of getting children back to schools.

On the other hand, he assured that, in conjunction with the National Government, it was decided that when the UCI covid occupation reaches 85%, more drastic measures will be taken. Today, they are at 77%.

(Also read: Curfew, dry law and peak and ID in Cundinamarca)

(You may be interested: What can and cannot be done after strict quarantine?)

(Attention: For new strain of covid-19, the United Kingdom returns to total confinement)

What this quarantine by locality implies

These are the figures within Usaquén, Suba and Engativá

Concentrate in Bogotá
28% of all companies
32.7% of microenterprises



Companies: 40,468 (9% of the total in Bogotá)
Compared to 2019, it has 5,366 fewer active companies (-11%)
Population: 519,907 people
Active covid-19 cases: 2-465



Companies: 49,682 (11% of the total in Bogotá)
Compared to 2019, it has 6,921 fewer active companies (-13.9%)
Population: 1’113.413 people
Active covid-19 cases: 4,982



Companies: 36,074 (8% of the total in Bogotá)
Compared to 2019, it has 5,343 fewer active companies (-14.8%)
Population: 768,774 people
Active covid-19 cases: 3,847

(In other news: Criticism of mayor Claudia López for having gone on vacation)

(In Medellín: Peak and cedula in Medellín remain until January 6)

