Bogota | The criminal gang that commits crimes in the butchers sector in Tunjuelito – Bogotá


On July 26, the city was shocked by the news that, in the midst of an act of intolerance, 33-year-old police officer Ángel Eduardo Amórtegui was murdered on the South highway, in the area known as Guadalupe.

This area has a tradition of commercial activity for the sale of meat (formal and informal), and a supposed seller of the area, With whom Amórtegui had suffered a simple traffic collision, he was allegedly responsible for taking the life of the uniformed man.

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Everything was recorded in videos that were published on social networks, and the search by the authorities to find the murderer was immediate. Quickly, investigators from the Bogotá Police suspected who was behind this event.

One of the first orders given by the commander of the Bogotá Police, General Óscar Gómez Heredia, upon assuming his position in January 2020, It was to intervene in the area where the police officer had been killed.

From the testimonies of some residents of the area, it was known that in this sector, located between the South highway and the Tunjuelo river, and the cross-section 62G and Carrera 62A, in Kennedy, extortions against merchants were on the rise. There were complaints about the occupation of real estate, micro-trafficking, selective homicides, and even an investigation for environmental damage to the Tunjuelo River.

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But who was behind this crime wave? To find out, the Intelligence Section of the Sipol Police, the Bogotá Police investigation section and the Prosecutor’s Office, in an articulated effort, infiltrated agents in the area.

Little by little they began to gain confidence among the butchers, who had to pay weekly sums of between 20,000 and 40,000 pesos to a group of people who in exchange for that money offered a supposed security.

But they themselves were those who stole, those who sold drugs, those who filled a part of the Tunjuelo river to set up a parking lot there and sell lots unsuspecting buyers.

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In Guadalupe, no one could do anything without the authorization of these criminals. It was becoming a risky sector, even for the authorities who had to go to do administrative tasks such as the closure of establishments due to sanitary conditions.


The sector where this structure offends is in the middle of the Tunjuelo river and the South highway.


Courtesy Metropolitan Police

Soon, undercover agents managed to get some phone lines from some members of the gang, and the intercepted conversations revealed everything that was going on there.

“We began to determine that the only problem with this structure was not only the usurpation of properties and the sale of lots, but also that they were involved in large drug trafficking; we were able to determine that it was very powerful in drug trafficking. We managed to seize 2,500 kilos of marijuana in a month“One of the investigators in the case told EL TIEMPO.

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In fact, a truck and the load of 2 tons of marijuana that were seized on July 30 in a parking lot in Bosa belonged to this structure. That day one of the members of this structure was captured, which allowed progress in the investigations.

It was no longer a common criminal gang, but they were responsible for supplying a good part of the hallucinogens from six locations in the city. A month they moved between 2 and 3 tons of these drugs, and, adding the profits from the other illicit activities they carried out, they were achieving sums that exceeded 2,800 million pesos each month.

The brain behind all this was identified with the alias of Coco. An Araucanian who arrived in Soacha about seven years ago and started with small criminal businesses. In fact, he had already been captured for belonging to a gang called ‘Los Compa’, in that municipality.

However, his contact with alias Michael, who lived in Guadalupe, led him to climb into the criminal world. About three years ago, about eight young people joined in and began to extort money from butchers and merchants in the area, and ended up stealing several of them.

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They instrumentalized Venezuelan migrants and minors, but a contact with a residual organized armed group from Valle del Cauca catapulted them as the leaders of the sale of marijuana and cocaine in Bosa, Kennedy and Ciudad Bolívar, mainly.

They started bringing in small loads, but then they started organizing crossings to bring in the illegal merchandise. They went in three vehicles: the middle one carried the load and the others functioned as bell ringers. The same ‘Coco’ attended some of those trips.

Soacha, Mosquera and Funza were the municipalities used as collection centers before entering the city.

The murder of the police officer Oróstegui, the agents later discovered, was perpetrated by alias Michael, the second in command of the gang called ‘the Maimai’.

With all this information gathered in eight months of investigations, last Thursday, October 1, a joint operation that allowed the capture of 28 members of this gang. All were sheltered with an insurance measure.

“This is a territory with three jurisdictions, almost four: it has Ciudad Bolívar, Kennedy, Bosa and Tunjuelito if you extend it a little more; of criminal complexity, with this I am saying that there are formal businesses there, there is an economy around meat, what is next to it are those who extort money from merchants, ”explained Hugo Acero, Secretary of Security.

The official said that now that this gang has been removed from the sector, what is coming are social interventions to prevent another group from appropriating the illegal income.

“That day (of the operation) we carried out an exercise of definitive closings of businesses that were located in environmental protection zones. We seized 8 tons of meat products that were not suitable for human consumption and we carried out a protection exercise so that this area is not used as an illegal parking lot, which was part of how the gang justified their income“Concluded Yeimy Agudelo, Kennedy local mayor.

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