Bogotá: Suba, Engativá and Usaquén in strict quarantine by locality – Bogotá


The quarantine by localities returns to Bogotá. And the turn will be for Usaquén, Engativá and Suba: there will be 2,700,000 people who will enter confinement under the rules that were lived in 2020. This was announced on Sunday night by the mayor (e) of Bogotá, Luis Ernesto Gómez, and the Secretary of Health, Alejandro Gómez.

These measures, however, will be subject to what is discussed this Monday with the National Government. “These, which are restrictive measures, have to be discussed with the National Government. This Monday at 2 pm we will have a meeting with the Minister of Health and his team of advisers and with my team to see if we can reach an agreement ”, the Secretary of Health assured this newspaper.

(You may be interested in: The worrying numbers of ICU and hospital beds in Bogotá)

For now, if you live in one of these three locations, know that the quarantine is intended to begin at 00:00 on January 5 and last until 11:59 pm on January 17. These localities were chosen for being the ones with the highest level of contagion, the highest speed of contagion and the greatest participation in the return flow of travelers. Until the morning of this Sunday, Suba registered 4,360 active cases; Engativá, 3,139, and Usaquén, 2,241. In these points, in addition, clinics, hospitals and ICUs with 100 percent occupancy are reported.

The Mayor’s Office detailed that “the towns of Usaquén, Engativá and Suba, concentrate 27.62% of the active cases of Covid-19 in the city. According to the epidemic curves, these three towns have accelerated in recent weeks, registering a average between 150 and 200 daily cases. When observing the behavior in the number of cases accumulated between December 5 and 18, 2020, it is observed that Usaquén presents an increase in positive cases of 59%, increases of 58% and Engativá 52.3% “.

For this reason, the mayor (e) indicated that “we are taking action in a timely and early manner to save lives, as we have done throughout this time and to guarantee all Bogota citizens access to hospital services ”.

In the chosen locations there will be restrictions on mobility, practically a curfew between 8 pm and 5 am and restriction on the sale of liquor on weekends. Neither will the operation of non-essential commerce be allowed, that is, they will only be able to open establishments that allow the supply of essential products and pharmacies. And remember, only one person per family can go out for the supply. To make things easier, addresses will be allowed.

As it happened in 2020, Those who work in the provision of health services will be exempt; in care of the elderly, minors and dependents; in public order, general security and health care, and other people related to essential services.

However, it is worth noting that the decree will be issued tomorrow with all the details, rules and exceptions that will allow greater clarity on the matter.

(Also read: What can and cannot be done after strict quarantine?)

For now, this is the detail of the quarantine by locality.

– Restriction of mobility (with the same exceptions of the previous strict quarantines).

– Total restriction of activities between 8 pm and 5 am That is, at this time you can not go anywhere: not even to stock up. You could only leave in case of force majeure.

– Closing of non-essential commerce, except supply, pharmacy and essential products. Only these three types of establishments can operate in shopping centers.

– Prohibited sale of intoxicating drinks on the weekend.

– The supply will be between 5 am and 8 pm. (one person leaves per family group)

– Yes, the home service will work.

– If you are traveling and live in these locations, you can return, but once you are home, you must stay there.

– Individual physical activity is allowed outdoors, for a period of one hour a day.

– Removals will be allowed in case of force majeure.

– If you work in another location in essential services, telecommunications, surveillance, public order, you can leave the location that is in quarantine for another. It is preferable to be identified.

– There is peak and plate and peak and ID in all Bogotá (including quarantined localities).


– Health personnel.

– People who care for adults or minors.

– Security personnel, public order, health care.

– People who must attend to matters of force majeure or extreme necessity.

(It may interest you: Travelers entering the country must present negative PCR)

Other measures

Although, in the end, the hospital red alert was not decreed in Bogotá (and the orange alert continues), the District did put new measures on the table to shield the hospital system from collapse. On the one hand, the suspension of non-urgent surgical procedures will be maintained, the emergency services will be reviewed in person and the reconversion of services will be evaluated to expand ICU capacity.

“For their part, health promoting entities must guarantee home delivery of medications to patients over 70 years of age and children under 5 years of age, as well as to pregnant women and people with chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus and cancer, in addition to intensifying the strategies of early discharge, hospitalization at home and home oxygen ”, detailed the Mayor’s Office.

On the other hand, travelers who return to Bogotá, and who live in the other towns, were recommended to do a voluntary isolation of seven days.

And, it is worth saying, in all Bogotá (including the three localities) the peak and card and the peak and plate are still in force.

(To continue reading: A week of isolation is recommended for those who return to Bogotá)

Bogotá, on alert for ICU occupation

The announcement of the confinement measures was preceded by a concern, which was on the rise this weekend, on the part of the public due to the most recent indicators of covid-19 in Bogotá.

Until noon this Sunday, the occupation of intensive care units (ICU) was 82.8%, an indicator that has not been seen since August. In total, of the 2,239 ICU beds in Bogotá, 1,855 are occupied.

Specifically, the ICU beds destined for covid-19 were occupied by 76.5%. Of the 1,752 beds available for virus care, 1,340 are already occupied.

In addition, there were some hospitals and clinics that, by January 2, were already reporting their covid-19 ICUs at 100%. This is the case of the Corpas Clinic, the Reina Sofía, the Shaio, the Santa Fe Foundation, the Country Clinic, the San José Hospital, the Méderi and the Occidente Clinic, among others.

Even during the weekend, medical associations warned of delays in referral to the ICU, especially in private clinics. The Colombian Medical Federation, in the voice of its vice president, Carolina Corcho, assured that it was verified that there were “28 patients ventilated in the emergency room who require ICU. In the district information system there is talk of an occupancy of 75%, we do not understand why if there are ICUs available there is no transfer of critical patients which, due to their condition, must take place in less than six hours ”.

(Take note: This will be the peak and plate in January 2021 in Bogotá)


Juan Pablo Rueda THE TIME

On the other hand, the president of the Colombian Association of Medicine Specialists affirmed that there is a shortage of personnel to care for the virus. “About 30% of human talent is disabled because they are isolated, disabled or, unfortunately, deceased. It is a difficult situation, ”said Dr. Fabián Rosas, head of the association. However, He recalled that the increase in hospital pressure is not due exclusively to covid-19, but to the increase in traffic accidents, increased violence, mental health crisis, poisoning and other diseases that, in themselves, require intensive care.

Citytv also found that on the outskirts of some clinics in the city there were relatives of patients awaiting referral to the ICU.

For his part, the Vice Minister of Health, Alexander Moscoso, said that there is no collapse of the ICU in Bogotá and that the Emergency Regulatory Center was in a position to locate those who need it.

Faced with this situation, yesterday the mayor (e) of Bogotá, Luis Ernesto Gómez, met with the Ministry of Health, the Colombian Association of Specialists in Urgencies and Emergencies and the Medical College of Bogotá to analyze the panorama. From this meeting, and from an analysis with the District team, the decision to quarantine in three locations came out. Even the mayor of Bogotá, Claudia López, who is in scarce days, said she was in communication to define the steps to follow.

“I met a few minutes ago with @MinSaludCol and @MinInterior and we explained to them the balance of the situation today and the additional care measures we take,” López trilled at 7 pm

Bogotá closed the day with 2,959 new cases, in addition to the 35,262 active cases confirmed until noon.

