Bogotá riots: they turn incinerated CAI into a public library – Bogotá


Bogotá was the epicenter of protests and strong riots on the night of September 9, after the death of Javier Ordóñez, a victim of police abuse.

That day, in different sectors of the city, there were moments of tension and there were clashes between protesters and the Public Force.

Bosa (in the south), Villaluz (in the west), Verbenal (north) and Suba (north-west) were the areas where there were more cases of violence that night.

(Read also: Attorney General asks Police to clarify use of firearms in protests)

Hooded men burned and destroyed vehicles and Immediate Attention Commands (CAI), while uniformed soldiers beat and fired uncontrollably at protesters.

That night, there were several deaths. One of them was that of Julieth Ramírez, a young woman, 18 years old, who, according to her family, died in the La Gaitana sector, in Suba, from a stray bullet.

In that same area the CAI was set on fire.

The Bogotá Mayor’s Office confirmed that the young woman was shot in the chest, dying immediately.

(Also: The faces of the fatal victims of the violence in the protests)

He was studying psychology and English and was not participating in the protests. The bullet hit her when she was walking with a friend on her way home”Hárold Ramírez, his father, told Citynoticias.

Two days after Julieth’s death, this Friday, September 11, the girl’s neighbors in La Gaitana turned what was left of the CAI into a cultural center in honor of her.

Several young people gathered in what was left of the structure to paint it and call on the community to donate books.

They baptized the new place as ‘Julieth Ramírez Cultural Center’ and also wrote different messages: “We want peace and education”, “life first” and “a prison and torture center turned into one of creation and culture” were some of them.

(If you visit us from the app see the publication here).


The events in which Julieth died occurred after the death of Javier Ordóñez.

The man was the victim of police abuse on the night of Tuesday, September 8 (he received several shocks with a ‘taser’), and was later transferred to the CAI in Villaluz, where, according to a witness, he was beaten.

(It may interest you: Chaos and flames: second day of protests against police abuse)

Already at dawn on September 9, he was taken to a health center, where his death was confirmed.

The demonstrations against the Police and abuse began that same day 9 and have continued not only in Bogotá, but also in cities such as Manizales, Medellín, Cali and Ibagué, among others.

(If you visit us from the app see the publication here).

