Bogotá Peak and Plate | compare us for those who do not follow the measure – Bogotá


This Tuesday, September 22, the peak and plate returns to Bogotá. It will go from Monday to Friday from 6 to 8:30 in the morning and from 3 to 7:30 at night.

The vehicle restriction will have several novelties, such as the alternatives to not have a pick and plate:

– Be a health worker
– Have a hybrid vehicle
– Pay the ‘Pico y Placa Solidario’
– Use the shared car

(You may be interested in: Everything you need to know about the peak and plate that returns to Bogotá)

As citizens adapt to these and other changes in mobility in Bogotá, There will be no economic comparendios in these first 15 days.

“Starting today and for 15 days we will be doing pedagogy in conjunction with the Traffic Police in the 14 most important corridors of the city and other key points, “explained Leonardo Vásquez, Undersecretary for Mobility Management of the Secretariat.

This Tuesday, for example, there was a pedagogical day at Carrera 30 with Calle 66, near El Campín.

“Many people have complied with the new norm, and those who have not, will be sensitized in these first 15 days. It will be an informative topic to avoid that later there is an order to appear,” said Lieutenant Colonel Gustavo Blanco, Commander of the Traffic Police and Bogotá Transportation.

That is to say, there will be no economic comparisons of any kind for going through peak and plate (neither by agents nor by cameras).

But, when the 15 days have passed, remember that the fine for passing through peak and plate will be 15 SMMLV, which is equivalent to 438,000 pesos.

Note that, at the moment, the link to register for the carpool exception is enabled (click here).

(Also: How does the use of the shared car work to avoid having a pick and plate?)

To continue reading:

– ‘We protect those who use public transport’: Mobility Bogotá

– So you can pay to avoid having a pick and plate in Bogotá

– The new rules of the game of economic reactivation in Bogotá

