Bogota | Man died in police procedure with ‘taser’ – Bogotá


The residents of the Santa Cecilia neighborhood, in the town of Engativá, are shocked after having witnessed a police procedure at dawn this Wednesday in which a man was immobilized by two uniformed officers who repeatedly applied several electric shocks to him with a taser (stun gun).

Despite the fact that the man, a 46-year-old lawyer and father of two children, He asked them to stop and some neighbors tried to intervene, the two agents continued.

Apparently, the man had been required to be drinking liquor on a public highway, outside a residential complex. The police told City Tv that, due to this fact, eight people were transferred by the CAI.

(It may interest you: Intolerance and indiscipline, reason for fights with policemen)

“We are recording them, please do not do more,” says one of the witnesses.

In the evidence, it is even seen how other neighbors on the scene are separated by the Police.

The immobilized man presented health problems and had to be transferred to the Santa María del Lago Clinic, where he died.

City Tv spoke with witnesses of the events who gave their version. “We were having a few drinks outside. The policemen arrived, and one of them told my friend ‘this time I’m not saved.’ My friend told him ‘give me a summons, I’ll still pay for it.’ He replied ‘no, no I give support ‘and he grabbed him to give him electric shocks, “says one of the victim’s friends. According to the story, the police took and broke the cell phone of one of the people who was recording. It is also said that there were coups in the CAI.

(Also read: A family was kidnapped in La Candelaria tenancy)

Colonel Alexander Amaya also gave his version of what happened. “The quadrant is called, which is moving in a place here from the town of Engativá due to an alleged fight that is taking place. Upon arrival, there are about eight people who are arguing, everything seems to indicate that with intoxicating drinks. The favor is asked of them, they try to dissuade, but they become aggressive against the Police. The Police must submit them and some people are taken to the CAI. One shows discomfort in her physical health and is immediately transferred to the nearest medical center. Unfortunately she arrives without vital signs. The Police inform the criminal investigation body who will carry out the respective acts of lifting and investigating this case. The Police also warns its disciplinary affairs unit to clarify what has to do with the unfortunate death of this citizen. ”

This Wednesday, again, the authorities spoke. It is known that the case remains in the hands of the Prosecutor’s Office.

“The Police have made the following determinations. First, to suspend the police officers who are immersed in these events from operational and surveillance activities and to transfer to administrative tasks. Second, all collaboration with the Prosecutor’s Office, which assumes the investigation. Third, the accompaniment of the family in an interlocution with an interdisciplinary team. Fourth, the Police will guarantee transparency in the face of the facts and will allow the Prosecutor’s Office to carry out the investigations, “said Colonel Necton Lincon Borja, operational commander of the Bogotá Metropolitan Police .


Mayor Claudia López has already ruled on the events. “From @Bogota we will offer Javier’s family legal assistance so that there is an exemplary sentence, not only to those directly responsible, but also so that there is a structural reform that prevents and punishes police abuse. This is not from bad apples. Life is sacred! ”, The mayor of Bogotá trilled on her Twitter account.

Andrés Nieto, an expert in security, analyzed the facts: “Here we have a problem that is not current today. There is a resolution, 2903 of 2017, which speaks of some principles for the use of force. That is, it cannot be applied because yes, if not, it is very specific that you need to comply with a ‘check list’: the principle of necessity, which says that it is mandatory due to a situation of risk of the life of the Police or other citizens to use it; the proportionality; and the care of life “, indicates Nieto.

News in development …

To continue reading:

– Shipment of illegal masks seized in Bogotá

– The Environmental Axis channel is stained to protest against the massacres

* With reporting by Leonardo Ballesteros, Noctámbulo from City Tv, and Edixon Ruiz and Edwin Suá, journalists from Arriba Bogotá.
