“Bogotá is not having a second wave of Covid”: Claudia López


Bogotá is not currently suffering from a second wave of covid-19 as was initially expectedsaid the mayor of the city, Claudia López, who added that epidemiological control is due to the actions of the authorities and the self-care of people.

The mayor assured that strict controls and monitoring of the health of people over 60 years old with some preexistence that could aggravate a possible contagion situation, in a joint effort with the EPS that operate in the city.

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“We are not having a second wave of covid at this time fortunately and not by luck, nor by chance, but for the enormous effort of care that all of Bogotá has made, for the use of the mask, the distancing, the washing of hands“, he exposed.

He added that “it is because of all that set of care measures that we have been doing in Bogotá that we are not suffering from a second wave of covid and we hope that so far this year we will be able to absorb the contagion that has been relatively stable“he added.

In that sense, López referred to the day without VAT that will be held on November 21 and said that the two previous days had served to correct errors. He also urged citizens to buy digitally to avoid crowds and risks of contagion.

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“We have learned from the previous two. The first was a bit chaotic to be honest, but people learned, Fenalco learned, trade learned, everyone learns. Nobody in this city wants to produce more contagion, “he declared.

I am very grateful to all the commercial sectors that have prepared their measures, prepare the logistics of entry to their establishments, biosecurity measures for entry and purchase that have grown in electronic commerce capacity, “he argued.

“I invite the public to take advantage of the third day without VAT. Buy digital, buy electronically, buy online; is the best combination. Zero risk in covid and instead we contribute to an economic activity that generates employment and opportunities, “he said.

The declarations of the mayor were given in the middle of the inauguration of the first block of care in the town of Bosa to the south of the city, from where promote actions so that the entire community becomes caregivers and sexist practices are unlearned, about.
