Bogotá City Hall explains why it vaccinated a non-frontline official


Gómez indicated in a video, published in this note, that Carolina Cárdenas, as the official who was vaccinated against COVID-19 was identified despite not belonging to the first line, was included in the list of those who should be vaccinated first by the Integrated Subnet of Northern Health Services from Bogota.

The health subnetwork in which Cárdenas exercises administrative functions reported it as “belonging to one of the group intervention plan groups“, Which, said the Secretary of Health of the District, are public health activities that are carried out in the territories.

“As by decision of the Ministry of Health it was possible to vaccinate second and third line people, starting this weekend, that is the reason they have given us why they were vaccinated,” said Gómez.

However, the manager of the Integrated Subnet of Health Services of the North of Bogotá, Jaime Humberto García, denied that Cárdenas had received a vaccine against COVID-19 without belonging to the human talent of health, and assured, as heard below, that there will be an investigation in this regard.

Secretary Gómez spoke in the same direction, announcing an “investigation with all the rigor” to find out if there was any irregularity in this case.

A few weeks ago there was a stir because a plastic surgeon, who did not treat people with COVID-19, was vaccinated, apparently, skipping the line. The same happened with an orthopedist from Manizales who would have used his influence to receive the vaccine early.

For these cases, President Iván Duque warned a few days ago that people who sneak into the vaccination plan could receive millionaire fines and even go to jail for “non-observance of the measures established by the health authority to contain a pandemic ”.

Mayor’s Office explains why a non-frontline official was vaccinated

This is the recording in which the Secretary of Health of the Mayor’s Office of Bogotá tells the reasons given to him by the North Subnet to vaccinate Carolina Cárdenas:
