Boat that would have fired Covid-19 cases in San Andrés waited 18 hours for a body to be lifted


May 14, 2020 – 07:39 p. m.


The General Maritime Directorate gave some clarity on the itinerary carried out by the Colombian vessel ‘Whispered’, which arrived in San Andrés a few days ago with a person killed by Covid-19 on board, and which, according to the Governor of the Department, contributed to the The cases of contagion on the island, which until that moment were controlled, would skyrocket.

According to the General Maritime Directorate, ‘Susurro’ sailed on the Cartagena – San Andrés Archipelago – Providencia route, between April 25 and May 3, 2020, in the supply of essential products for the Department.

Until then, according to the entity, it did not report any alerts for Covid-19 and carried out the scheduled supply activities.

On May 4, at 6:30 in the afternoon, he set sail for Cartagena, according to the planned navigation route, but on May 6 at 3:30 in the morning he again approached San Andrés reporting problems health of one of its crew.

According to the Directorate, entry was authorized taking into account that it was a case of force majeure or humanitarian attention in the context of the emergency declared by the National Government.

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At 5:00 in the morning, when the inspection was to be made, the Health Authority was informed by the ship’s captain of the death of the crew member.

According to the General Maritime Directorate, the Health Department of San Andrés began the removal of the body “18 hours after being informed of the death of the seafarer, after clarifying procedural aspects with the Regional Prosecutor’s Office.”

Since last May 6, the corresponding investigations have been carried out to determine if there was a breach of maritime regulations and especially those related to the health emergency.

“It is appropriate to point out that Dimar carries out the inspection work on vessels by means of an articulated work with the other competent authorities, which is why in the context of the health emergency that the country is experiencing, it has been vital to fulfill the role of the Health Authority in the Insular Department, District or coastal municipality “, he affirmed.

He informed that the departure to Cartagena will be authorized after it is confirmed that the biosecurity measures have been complied with by said ship. In Cartagena, it will be received under strict security protocols.

The governor of San Andrés, Everth Hawkins, has assured that after having 6 cases of Coronavirus on the island, he went on to have 21 cases, that is, 15 more infections, in part related to the presence of the boat on the island.
