Bill Gates believes coronavirus vaccine could be ready in 9 months


Gates, who is one of the magnates who has invested the most money in scientific projects to combat the virus in the world, He noted that the COVID-19 vaccine would be the fastest developed vaccine in all of human history.

“Dr. Anthony Fauci [epidemiólogo y asesor de la Casa Blanca] He has said he believes it will take around eighteen months to produce an antidote. I agree with him, although it could be available in 9 months ”, emphasized the Microsoft co-founder on his website.

Scientist investigates the cure for COVID-19

The philanthropist, likewise, stated on the portal that a year and a half “It may seem like a long time”, but it really isn’t, since “The development of a vaccine usually takes about five years”.

According to Gates, there are two methods that could help make the cure available as soon as possible. “If one of these new approaches works, we can probably get millions of doses around the world much faster,” added.

“It may be a little difficult to see right now, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel,” concluded the billionaire on his personal blog.


The World Health Organization (WHO), for its part, He assured a week ago that there are five coronavirus vaccines that are being tested in humans, two in China, one in the United States, one in Germany and one in the United Kingdom., the latter would be available in September.

Currently, there are several countries and pharmaceutical companies that are working on an efficient cure to combat COVID-19, which has so far caused more than 235,000 deaths worldwide.

Here, the statements of Bill Gates:
