Biden warns that more people will die from transition delays


“More people could die if we don’t coordinate on issues like the distribution of covid-19 vaccines as soon as possible,” Joe Biden told reporters when asked what the biggest threat is posed by Trump’s obstruction of the change of government.

“If to start planning we have to wait until [el día de investidura] On January 20, we would be behind a month or a month and a half, ”said Biden. “So it is important that there is coordination now or as quickly as possible,” he said.

Many experts, including former members of the Donald Trump administration, warned that the outgoing president’s refusal to cooperate with the transition while questioning the election results It can have devastating consequences when the United States is hit hard by COVID-19.

One million new cases were registered in the United States in less than a week, raising the number of infected to more than 11 million and the death toll from the disease to 246,000.

Trump’s new science adviser doesn’t have Anthony Fauci’s expertise

Trump’s health adviser Scott Atlas, who lacks relevant experience or qualifications in public health or infectious diseases, urged Michigan to “stand up” against COVID-19 prevention measures rather than undertake new efforts to curb it.

“What’s wrong with these people?” Biden wondered. “It is totally irresponsible,” he said.

His comments were made shortly after the biotech Moderna said that its experimental vaccine against COVID-19 is 94.5% effective.

Biden said he would apply that vaccine himself, or the one being developed by Pfizer, if experts like leading American immunonologist Anthony Fauci declare them safe.

“I would not hesitate to get vaccinated if Dr. Fauci and those two organizations – be it Moderna or Pfizer, which have been extremely responsible – conclude that it is safe,” he said.

“The only reason why the vaccine is now being questioned is Donald Trump,” added the president-elect, who will turn 78 on Friday.

He stressed that it appears that vaccines are “on a clear path” to being safe. “They would seem to be for the maximum moment, ready to be used and if that path continues, I would get the vaccine,” he said.

The following video shows the president-elect of the United States when it comes to splicing, which Trump refuses to do:
