Biden implores Americans to wear face masks over coronavirus


Biden set to work toward his inauguration on January 20, fulfilling what he announced in his victory speech on Saturday: addressing the health and economic crisis unleashed by the new coronavirus, a central promise of its campaign.

“This work begins today,” said former vice president Barack Obama, in a brief address from his fiefdom in Wilmington, Delaware, after conducting a virtual briefing with future Vice President Kamala Harris, and his newly appointed advisory council to fight the virus.

In contrast to President Donald Trump, accused of having downplayed the pandemic from day one and ignoring the advice of his own crisis cell against COVID-19, the democratic politician assured that his government will be guided by science.

Therefore, he insisted in the number one tip of the experts to avoid contagion: the mask, “the most powerful weapon” available for now.

“Please, I implore you, wear masks… Do it for you. Do it for your neighbor. A mask is not a political gesture, but yes a good way to start uniting the country”He said, alluding to the reluctance of many Trump supporters to cover their faces.

The issue of the mask was highly politicized before the November 3 elections, in which, Proof of deep polarization in the country, Biden won about 75 million votes and Trump about 71 million.

As he did throughout the campaign, Biden stressed the urgency of defeating the new coronavirus to return to normality.

The United States, the country hardest hit by the pandemic in the world, surpassed the threshold of 10 million cases of coronavirus since the start of the pandemic on Monday, according to the Johns Hopkins University count.

COVID-19 leaves more than 237,000 dead in the US and showing no signs of disappearing: For several days the country has registered 100,000 new cases every 24 hours.

Earlier, Biden celebrated as a reason for “hope” the news that a vaccine developed by the American pharmaceutical company Pfizer and the German BioNTech has been shown to be 90% effective against the virus, although it warned that there is still a long battle ahead.

“Today is great news,” said the president-elect, who will take office on January 20, 2021, along with the vice president-elect, Kamala Harris, but, he warned, “the end of the battle against the virus is still months away from being achieved”.

Americans will have to continue to rely on face masks, social distancing, contact tracing, hand washing and other measures to stay safe well into next year.Biden finished.
