Between medicine and faith: what Mirtha Legrand and Luisana Lopilato told Fede Bal when they found out he had cancer


The actor said that for five weeks he has been going to the institution every day to carry out the treatment. “I have a week and a half left. The treatment consists of attacking the area, ”he indicated, adding that he takes six chemotherapy pills. “At first nothing hurts, but the last few weeks I don’t wish it on anyone. They are difficult moments, but also of great integrity. To understand that life has something better for me ”.

He also assured the challenge he felt when his doctor called to tell him that he had cancer. “I felt like I knew them all and Suddenly life tells me that no, we must stop. He put a wall on me and sometimes I think: ‘will I get there?’”, Analyzed. In addition, he spoke of the importance of being able to call his illness with the corresponding expression: Cancer. “Many people want to change the word. Today I have cancer, I say this to my mother too. The more one can normalize the situation, the easier it is to assimilate what is going to happen and can also receive the bad news

How did you assimilate the call of your doctor? “He was in the good, in a mansion, doing double function in season with a very good work. It was a change in my career. Everything was nice, we made roasts, we went out every day. Suddenly I did not start to feel good. I was careful with my health, I did annual studies. When I went to the bathroom sometimes I had a little blood, I thought maybe it was hemorrhoids. And I let it go. I didn’t feel like I was really in trouble, ”Fede recalled.

So, he highlighted the role of his girlfriend, Sofia Aldrey, who insisted that controls be carried out. “I came across a woman who is an angel. It appeared in my life and made me see things that I did not see. He told me about the problems my dad and my uncle had had, he told me to do an analysis. And I thought about work, about the season … ”.

And added about the young influencer: “Cooks me, makes me laugh, accompanies me. She takes great care of me. There are days that I need to be alone and she understands it. You have a permit to drive. There are times when I can be alone, others, together. We are great companions. It is very nice to find someone like that, who helps you make the best of yourself

How does this process go? “There are days when I want to hit my head against the wall”, admitted the actor. Why is this happening to me? How can it be? I had everything, and when you have everything sometimes it doesn’t help “, he considered and related that he decided to return alone driving to Buenos Aires to start treatment.” Everyone wanted to accompany me, but sometimes you want to have your time. On the way I cried everything, I got out of the car in the middle of Route 2 and I started screaming

For his part, he stressed that the moment he “got the hang of” what was really happening to him was when he started laughing at himself and using black humor. The night he returned to the Federal Capital, he organized a barbecue with his group of friends. “I grabbed the biggest fart of my life, sometimes I’m half caveman. I sat them down and told them I had cancer and that I was going to need them a lot

It was the first time I could say it without having to take care of my mom or my sister. I was drunk, I hugged them, I told them that I am going to live and that I am going to have a good time. We laugh until five in the morning, we suck, we dance. At that moment I understood the importance of black humor and opened the door to laugh at myself“he added about that night.

On the other hand, he revealed that among the calls he received, those of Mirtha Legrand and Luisana Lopilato, from Canada, stood out. “Many people with whom I have no fluid contact called me, from people I do not know. From Mirtha to Luisana with Bublé “.

Petite He told me about medicine. From the director of the Fleming, he said he was going to be fine. And Luisana spoke to me about faith. He told me that if I believed in God I would be healed “, revealed the son of Carmen Barbieri.

“I have my talks with that God who perhaps helps many people. I have faith, but I believe in something a little bigger in the universe, I believe in myself. The doctor told me that 30 percent are cured by treatment, and 70 are not. I’m in a fight with science, because I’m doing a treatment, but only 3 out of 10 are cured. That’s when faith appears.“Fede said.

In addition, he said that he went to see the Father Ignacio Rosario, who gave her holy water. “He told me that if I drink I will heal. Sometimes all of a sudden I drink. He hugged me and said, “You are going to be fine.”

The actor, who is quarantined in a house that his mother gave him – and that belonged to the family of Luis Alberto Spinetta– He said that a radio studio was set up, since he debuted as a host on FM Late last Friday, and that he also has a room with instruments – “I connected back to music” -, where he plays the electronic drums and the acoustics.

He also assured that he does not receive visits because he is a “risk patient” and that sometimes he will do the shopping with his girlfriend, and others make an order. Before finishing the interview, which lasted just over an hour, he showed an alliance that he has in his hand. “It was from my dad. It says 1984, the year you met my mom. It is named after the two of them “, she counted before giving him a kiss. “He always accompanies me.”
