Betplay League: Wanted guilty of massive coronavirus contagion in Tolima, Dimayor, Nacional | Colombian Soccer | BetPlay League


They were six months waiting for the reactivation of football. Six months of virtual meetings, a succession of medical concepts, pages and pages of the biosafety protocol, which were left in theory when the first emergency came, expected for others: a massive contagion of coronavirus covid-19.

The event occurred in Deportes Tolima, which last Wednesday reported a large number of those affected, including players and technical personnel. There were 22 cases that were reported informally to Dimayor, as confirmed by its president Fernando Jaramillo. In the end, 13 confirmed, 7 of them players.

And then a series of accusations began, a witch hunt to find out who is to blame for the mess that became the formal return of the Betplay League I 2020. They all point to each other and suspicions are the order of the day .

We review the thickest doubts surrounding a reboot for which there was unprecedented preparation to end in a postponement:

1. How many infections were there really in Deportes Tolima in the last week?

One is Dimayor’s version: “Deportes Tolima and the PCR tests that were initially performed on the club on September 15, these yielded 19 positive cases (11 players and 8 technical and logistical staff), we must clarify that the second sample taken on September 16 in the city of Ibagué, it produced only 7 positive players and based on this procedure, the DIMAYOR administration authorized the trip on a charter flight to the city of Medellín … “.

President Jaramillo mentioned in a press conference that the first informal version and not in the form provided for in the biosafety protocol, was of 22 cases.

The Tolima version is different: “We have received the results of the second samples performed on the entire staff enrolled in the protocol, where a reduction from 20 to 13 positives for COVID-19 has been detected. Of the cases that were positive , it went from 11 to 7 players and from 8 to 6 people from the corps and support in the delegation
A result of 20 positive cases, but in second tests they were reduced to 13 cases of contagion “.

The lack of coherence in both versions triggers the obvious question that Atlético Nacional asks, which rightly demands that the suitability of the laboratory that carried out the Tolima tests on Monday, September 14, 2020, be certified: “We want to understand why Between the night of Wednesday 16 and the night of Thursday 17 the number of infected players went from 22 to 7 “.

That’s the point: in 24 hours, according to Dimayor and Tolima, there were at least two dozen infected and suddenly the number dropped dramatically, to just 7: what happened to 13? In one day they took a ‘marjoram’ and got healed? Why was it not recognized from the first moment that the contagion was massive and that the Ibagué club had no control over those infected and, consequently, did not offer the basic guarantees to play the game against Nacional? Who was interested in not talking about massive contagion but about isolated cases?

2. What were the 60 pages of the protocol?

“Today a football game is not suspended. Today the “protocol” that for several months was built jointly between the National Government and the Dimayor is called into question “. It is not an opinion. It is a complaint. And nothing less than Atlético Nacional does it.

And it so happens that Deportes Tolima, about which more than one doubt weighs, complains about exactly the same thing: “Dimayor had not contemplated a situation like the one present in the protocol, and unfortunately full compliance with the calendar is prevailing and not the health of the protagonists, ”he said in the statement in which he warned that he was traveling to Medellín under protest, forced to play the game against Nacional despite having a massive contagion of coronavirus covid-19 in his ranks.

First, the most basic question: really no one, not the clubs, not their medical staff, not Dimayor’s advisers on pandemic issues, no one thought that in a group that has been working daily for two weeks in collective training and before in practice individual, could there be a massive contagion? Didn’t it occur to you that just by taking the dog for a walk you were risking contagion (we have no evidence to believe that there was indiscipline or neglect, do we?)?

If the infectologists of the country, several in FUTBOLRED, have been warning for months that it could happen! Why wasn’t there a contingency plan, a point in the protocol that said: ‘in the case of a team that reports more than ten and eleven infections – to say a number – the procedure, without exceptions, will be: … “. Punishments, points, penalties, sanctions, extraordinary qualification of more players, whatever, but clear rules and for all teams, whatever their name is. But no. Today is postponed because there was no other, Jaramillo talks about increasing the list 40 players as a reactive, not preventive measure. The aroma of improvisation is inevitable …

Why is health not privileged, as it is proclaimed?

Dimayor and his president say that each decision is made so that the protagonists of football “are in the best of health and at no time are the lives of the people who are part of the sports delegations at risk.” But Tolima does not feel that way and that is why in his statement he denounces “the danger that Dimayor’s decision represents and we delegate all responsibility to its administration.”

Here, until the last moment, the information was confusing, contradictory, and the decision, until the Ministry of Health appeared on the scene, was to play the game as it was.

Yes, Dimayor consulted the Ministry, but because it was the right thing to do, now by protocol, and because versions were already being heard from Medellín on the decision of the Mayor’s Office not to facilitate the Atanasio Girardot stadium given the risk that so many positives implied: Dimayor) established direct contact with the Ministry of Health, to identify the epidemiological fence with the doctor of the Deportes Tolima club and in this way, establish if there was any contact from the traveling delegation with the other members who previously registered positive. representatives of the Ministry of Health, was not to take into account the results of the last tests (Against sample PRC and Antigens), arguing that a period of 7 days had to elapse, between each of the tests. Therefore, the sports department of the DIMAYOR, decided to suspend the commitment, until all the medical guarantees exist “, explained Dimayor herself.

It remains the question of how much is said in so many assemblies and virtual meetings if such a transcendental issue is not addressed with the seriousness that it touches and in the end the presidents accuse Dimayor as if they themselves were not the Dimayor … Me against me shadow?

Why does everyone doubt Deportes Tolima?

And at the bottom of the discussion there are questions of all calibers to Tolima and its unexpected outbreak, when all the clubs have been reporting marginal infections, one or two, which are included in the protocol. The massive was the unexpected.

Nacional, for example, hinted that they have been “seven weeks without positive cases for covid-19”, which is a “reflection of a serious and committed work of our work teams. We cannot claim victory. We cannot relax. We still have great challenges in terms of self-care. “And before José Fernando Salazar, Águilas’s largest shareholder, he also wrote:” Gabriel Camargo is a magician, he managed to drop from 20 to 7 cases in a single day, “he suggested.

What did Tolima do wrong in this case? Why do you suddenly have 13 cases when you are supposed to be strictly following protocol? There was neglect of players, of the club? Is the laboratory the ideal one for controls as specific as those required by covid-19 or is it the one with the best rate?

Nacional demands clarity on two points: “If Deportes Tolima, as established in the protocol, the PCR tests were carried out on Monday, September 14, 2020 … That the results of the PCR tests that the Sports delegation Tolima was held the week before, prior to the game against Deportivo Pasto, with special emphasis on the date of the tests and whether 100% of the Deportes Tolima delegation that traveled to the city of Pasto gave negative results ” .

The doubt is evident. “He has kept us expectant and confused with the information he has been providing a day before the game we had scheduled. We consider it vitally important, as we requested in writing yesterday (Thursday, September 17), that the Verification Commission provide clarity “asks the club ‘purslane. Here they are no longer reasonable opinions. Here, inevitably there is a piece of the story that has not been told …
