Before justice, police officers captured for the murder of Javier Ordóñez – Crimes – Justice


Police officers Harby Damián Rodríguez Díaz and Juan Camilo Lloreda Cubillos are presented to a Bogotá guarantee control judge, linked to the murder of law student Javier Ordóñez.

Lloreda Cubillos, finally surrendered to the authorities at dawn on Friday and the Prosecutor’s Office began the review process and medical examination and then requested a hearing on the legalization of capture, indictment of charges and an assurance measure in a prison center in the Paloquemao courts.

The Prosecutor’s Office was running against time since police officer Rodriguez Diaz was captured after noon on Thursday and since then they have run the 36 hours established by law to legalize his capture.

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“The Attorney General’s Office continues to speak with results, this is a message of security and justice for our citizens,” said the Attorney General Francisco Barbosa this morning after making official the capture of the uniformed men and four people accused of being linked to acts of violence and banditry in Bogotá registered in November of last year and September of this year.

Due to the biosafety measures, the hearings are held virtually before the 29th court of guarantee control of Bogotá. The policemen and their lawyers were located in a room of the prosecutor’s bunker.

Jhon Olmos, Rodriguez Diaz’s lawyer pointed out that his client will not accept the charges of aggravated homicide and aggravated torture that will be charged by the Prosecutor’s Office. He argued that the presumption of innocence of his client must be guaranteed.

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The lawyer Jesús Libadier Giraldo, who defends Lloreda Cubillos, spoke in the same vein and pointed out that his client was always willing to heed the call of justice and did not try to escape the arrest warrant against him.

The lawyers indicated that the evidence from the Prosecutor’s Office to bring them to justice must be proven by the Prosecutor’s Office in court and that their investigation teams carry out their own investigations to collect the evidence of the case and demonstrate the innocence of their clients.

(In other stories: The confession of one of the policemen linked to the death of Ordóñez)

They also asked that guarantees be given for the adequate defense of the two policemen.

At the hearing, lawyer Vadith Gómez, representative of Javier Ordóñez’s family, presented the need for justice to be done in the case and for all those responsible for the victim’s death to respond criminally and disciplinary.

Gómez pointed out that the legalization hearing was delayed because one of the captured “manifested suicidal ideation.”

The lawyer was accompanied by Luis Alejandro Ordoñez Bermudez, the victim’s brother.

During the hearing for the imputation of charges, Juan Carlos Oliveros Corrales prosecutor 94 of the specialized human rights department will present the evidence collected in the case in the last week and which includes statements, expert opinions, the study made by Legal Medicine experts in the autopsy performed to the victim.

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