Beethoven: How the “Ninth Symphony”, His Most Iconic Work, Became a Political Symbol


  • William Marquez
  • BBC World News


The “Ode to Joy” is the anthem of the European Union.

Virtually anywhere in the world you are and hum the “Ode to Joy”, from the fourth movement of Ludwig van Beethoven’s “Ninth Symphony”, there will be someone who will instantly recognize it.

“The choir”, as it is also known, has become the emblematic work of the German composer whose birth is 250 years on December 16.

Composed in extraordinary circumstances and considered novel in its time, the piece contains the musicalization of the poem of the same name written in 1785 by the also German Friedrich Schiller, and which highlighted the spirit of brotherhood and community of humanity.

Although the ode is only part of the fourth movement of the “Novena”, in general it is the moment most awaited by the public when this sounds in a concert. So much so that it has become representative of the symphony itself.
