Bayer launches research award to promote welfare of the swine population


Care4Pigs is an initiative launched by Bayer, in collaboration with the Farm Animal Welfare Education Center (Fawec) and the Korean Association of Pig Veterinarians (Kasv), with which 30,000 euros will be awarded for three research projects that contribute to improving the welfare of farm pigs.

Animal welfare is considered a basic requirement for their health, to the extent that improvements that benefit animals also benefit farms. Therefore, it is necessary to understand that innovations and advances in this field are a continuous process that, in that order of ideas, require a long-term commitment on the part of the pig farmers.

Almut Hoffmann, marketing director of products for farm animals at Bayer Animal Health, assured that “pig farmers are creative and innovative when it comes to facing the challenges so that their animals stay healthy and healthy, that’s why from the company , we are observing pioneering approaches to pig farming operational processes worldwide. We are also pleased to be able to provide our support and knowledge through Care4Pigs to promote the welfare of the pigs ”.

The main objective of the program is to promote innovations on farms, developed by pig farmers, veterinarians, zootechnicians, associations, research groups, scientists and students in the fields of veterinary medicine, zootechnics, or agricultural sciences, to promote the animal welfare of a innovative and practical way.

Octavio Orlovsky Eckhardt, director of marketing for swine species at Bayer Animal Health, explained that “the Care4Pigs jury will identify projects that take an innovative approach and significantly and measurably increase the welfare of pigs. For this selection, the potential of the project on the farm and the applicability in different production systems and conditions will be taken into account, as well as the economic viability “.

Bayer’s Animal Health division will provide three grants of € 10,000 each, for a total value of € 30,000 worldwide. The three beneficiary projects will be selected by a jury of independent scientific experts in the field of animal welfare, as well as representatives from the partner organizations of Care4Pigs and Bayer Animal Health.

Pig breeders, veterinarians, scientists and students in the fields of veterinary medicine, animal husbandry, pig farmers’ associations and research groups may apply to this financing. The projects that present, in addition, must have innovative approaches oriented to practices that promote the welfare of the pigs on the farms. These must be currently underway or begin at the latest in early 2021, and must be submitted in the call before June 30 of this year.


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