Barranquilla will have urban forest and mountain biking track


Miramar will have its own urban forest and a mountain bike trail. Mayor Jaime Pumarejo signed an agreement with the Minister of Sports, Ernesto Lucena, for the development of these urban projects in the north of the city.

Through an early transfer from the Argos group, the Barranquilla mayor’s office received 30 hectares of a site with the necessary characteristics for the creation of this urban forest of the city.

“Today we are adding a new connotation and it is a space to reconnect with nature, but beyond that to be able to play sports because we are going to build a mountain bike track that will be in optimal conditions, of optimal capacity to host why not a Pan American Games in 2027, and why not another type of competition from here to there ”, said the president.

The project is co-financed by the ministry and by the city of Barranquilla. For the execution of the mountain biking track and the hiking area, the Ministry of Sports undertook to provide technical sports assistance.

For his part, Minister Lucena stated that “Today is a historic day, because this is the first step to fulfill a dream of President Duque, and they are the biodivercities. Biodivercities today have to be the sounding voice in the world ”.

The minister said that cities “need to have urban forests at the hands of their citizens where hundreds of activities can be developed. Today, of course, we are pleased with the mountain biking track that surely will have regional, national and international events. This is the step to be a biodiverciudad ”.

Over the forest

Located in the northwestern part of the city, the Urban Forest of Miramar- BUM– It is constituted in a new space for recreation, sports, environmental protection and Barranquilla’s green system, it will have a hiking area, picnic area, camping area, among others.

However, they are not its only functions. The BUM will also serve as an environmental education space and will contribute to the improvement of air quality and reduction of pollution.

After the Barranquilla 2018 Central American and Caribbean Games, the sporting flame was lit even more in the citizenship and with it the interest in practicing new activities. Within them, mountain biking was gaining space and That is why it was considered to design a track in the area to carry out this activity and hiking, explained the district secretary for Recreation and Sports, Gabriel Berdugo Peña.

The topography of the land will allow tracingr the trails and the track route, as well as the construction of support spaces, as administrative, operational and service areas; that is to say, cafeteria, bathrooms, warehouses and changing rooms, added Berdugo.

“The next year it will be built in its entirety, and it will be for the enjoyment of Barranquilla. It is an opportunity to meet the tropical dry forest of this region. At the same time we will have plenty of space to bring the students here and reconnect with nature, for the initiation of sport and the most important thing will be one more lung of our city”, Expressed Jaime Pumarejo.
