Back to school: 19 official schools in Bogotá will carry out pilot back to school – Bogotá


Bogotá began the gradual, progressive reopening of the education sector, which involves some 2,300,000 people.

As of October 14, the District evaluated and authorized the reopening of 203 educational institutions who requested the revision of their protocols for the voluntary return to classes and agreed with their communities.

These are: 109 kindergartens and private schools, 45 Higher Education Institutions (IES), 48 Education Institutions for Work and Human Development (IETDH) and 1 SENA training center.

In the case of the 399 official schools, the Ministry of Education carried out a process of reflection and participation with families, students, teachers, directors and servants, through which Decisions were made on how and when to reopen its institutions. “One of the greatest advances that the process of reopening in official schools has had has been the beginning of the awareness-raising scheme, identification of conditions and analysis for the development of pilot exercises,” said Edna Bonilla, Secretary of Education.

In this sense, professionals and managers of the Ministry of Education established a joint work route with the 19 official schools that decided to reopen in pilot mode for the remainder of the year to adapt protocols and review school spaces. This measure has the consent of parents and was endorsed by the Board of Directors of each institution.

The plan will be advanced from the weeks of October 19 and 26 with these institutions found in the towns of Kennedy, Santafé, Ciudad Bolívar, Bosa, Rafael Uribe, Puente Aranda, San Cristóbal and Usme, which made the decision to return to classes as a strategy for the formal reopening in 2021.

The proposal is designed to attend between 30 and 200 students, depending on the enrollment of each institution. Among them, young people who are part of the internships at SENA to finish their technical training and, in other cases, students in grades 10 and 11 to carry out practical activities in various subjects.

The District formed five support teams to accompany these educational institutions in the enlistment phase and make visits to school spaces to ensure that the return is made in conditions of safety and well-being for all communities:

Security conditions:

– Protocol adoption team: responsible for helping to adapt the protocols of each school in 2020 and 2021 and resolve or process any doubts that may arise in the framework of the adoption of the guidelines.

– Safe school spaces team: responsible for helping schools in the review of school spaces, inventory of equipment (bathroom batteries, sinks), ventilation, signage, demarcation, distance. Purchase and delivery of biosafety supplies for people, demarcation of spaces and biosecurity elements for institutional use (mats, thermometers, soap, alcohol).

– Socio-emotional support team: responsible for the management of critical situations, routes for the restoration of rights and pedagogical support for the strengthening of mental health.

– School welfare team: responsible for accompanying the entry and exit of students, taking temperature and activating protocols for covid-19 cases. It includes the transport mentioned in the protocols.

– School flexibilization team: responsible for accompanying curricular flexibilization processes, support for the dynamics that maintain the ‘Learn at home’ strategy, face-to-face learning and autonomous work.

Secretary Edna Bonilla said that the entity is capable of accompanying all official institutions in the adoption of the protocols. For this reason, it makes a call to schools that require support to contact their territorial pedagogical accompaniment pair (PAPT).

What do families say about the reopening of GPS?

According to the Ministry of Education (SED), since the GPS Reopening Plan: Gradual, Progressive and Safe was presented to the city, the District has had a fluid dialogue with the institutions and individuals that make up the educational community of Bogotá to support the voluntary and concerted process of return to classrooms after compulsory isolation by covid – 19.

The entity explained that a massive consultation was held to learn about the different voices and feedback from the communities educational regarding this process and of which the 20 localities of Bogotá participated with the private and official schools. 98% of the participation was from the district schools. “In the dialogue that we have held with different sectors, we have the opinion of more than 55,800 parents and caregivers, 24,100 young people and 18,600 boys and girls. Almost 100,000 people have given us their opinion about the reopening process, ”Bonilla said.

The results show that, the parents consulted, 4,167 (7.5%) agree with returning this year and 51,633 (92.5%) propose that it be done in 2021. However, of the 18,600 girls and boys consulted, 11,600 (42 , 5%) want to go back to school this year and 7,000 (37.5%) in 2021. EThis shows a trade-off between the parents’ concern, but also the need for girls and boys to resume their classes.

“We are respectful of the school governing bodies and the wishes of parents, girls, boys and young people. In the consultation, the opinion about the reopening in 2021 is expressed, for that reason we are preparing from now on ”, concluded Edna Bonilla.

Other notes of interest:

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