Attorney General’s Office puts magnifying glass on presidential contract with money from the Fund for Peace – Research – Justice


Juan Carlos Vargas Morales, director of the Fund for Special Programs for Peace, will have two days, to answer several concerns to the Office of the Attorney General about an advertising contract that the Presidency signed with monies that must be used to finance peace programs.

This contract for 3,350 million pesos sparked controversy a few days ago, when it became known that the objective of the contract, which was left in the hands of the company Du Brand SAS., Is to develop strategies for the Presidency’s digital channels.

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In the letter, signed by Liliana Caballero, delegate attorney for preventive surveillance of the Public Function, the control body made six questions about the FP-290 -20201 service provision contract signed between the Fondo Paz and Du Brand SAS.

In the first place, the Public Ministry asks what were the reasons of opportunity and necessity that supported the signing of the contract.

He then questions the analysis of the Peace Fund to determine that Du Brand It is the best provider of these services in the country and the most suitable to execute the object of the contract, as well as the budget of the contract, the obligations and the term thereof.

The Public Ministry asked about the justification for the Fund to sign an official advertising contract “at a time when the country is going through a
health emergency caused by covid-19 and the guidelines of the National Government are aimed at the proper use of public resources and their prioritization to mitigate the negative effects of the pandemic. “

What is the justification for the Peace Fund to sign an official advertising contract at a time when the country is experiencing a health emergency caused by covid-19?

Likewise, the Office of the Attorney General asks why the purpose of this contract is to implement digital communication strategies and the administration of the digital communication channels of the President and the Presidency, and how this contributes to the fulfillment of the functions of the Peace Fund.

Lastly, the control body asked the director of Fondo Paz what was the analysis he made of an article of Law 1474 of 2011 (to strengthen the mechanisms for the prevention, investigation and sanction of acts of corruption) when he structured and signed this contract for official advertising.

A copy of the Attorney General’s letter was also sent to Enrique Armando Fuentes, head of the Contracts Area of ​​the Administrative Department of the Presidency of the Republic.

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