Atlético Nacional: darts to Tolima and Dimayor after postponing the match | Colombian Soccer | BetPlay League


After knowing the determination of the Dimayor in which it suspended six hours before the start of the match between Atlético Nacional and Deportes Tolima, for the ninth date of the 2020 Colombian League, the purslane team published a statement in which it requested more rigor at the time to comply with the protocols.

“Atlético Nacional ratifies its commitment to comply with the” Biosafety Protocol for the Management and Control of Coronavirus COVID-19 in Activities Related to the Training and Competition of Professional Soccer Players. ” Our Club was waiting for 194 days for the return to the competition, it was prepared in the best way, complying with all the biosafety protocols in order to preserve the health of those who are part of our Institution ”, indicated the club.

The Antioquia team pointed out that they accumulate seven weeks without positive cases for covid-19, being a “reflection of a serious and committed work of our work teams. We cannot claim victory. We cannot relax. We still have big challenges when it comes to self-care. We respect and abide by the decision adopted this afternoon regarding the suspension of the match that we were supposed to play tonight against Deportes Tolima. The protection of health must be above any particular interest ”.

In the extensive letter that Nacional made, he expressed his disagreement in which the situation prior to this match has been handled and specified what has happened with the whole of Ibagué. “He has kept us expectant and confused with the information he has been providing a day before the game we had scheduled. We consider it vitally important, as we requested in writing yesterday (Thursday, September 17), that the Verification Commission provide clarity regarding:

1. If Deportes Tolima, as established in the protocol, the PCR tests were carried out on Monday, September 14, 2020.

2. That it be certified, based on the information provided by the laboratory endorsed and authorized by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, which was chosen by Deportes Tolima, the exact number of members of Deportes Tolima who gave a positive result to the PCR tests that were to be carried out on Monday, September 14, 2020. We want to understand why between the night of Wednesday 16 and the night of Thursday 17 the number of infected players went from 22 to 7.

3. That the results of the PCR tests that the Deportes Tolima delegation carried out the week before, prior to the game against Deportivo Pasto, be certified, with special emphasis on the date of the tests and if 100% of the the Deportes Tolima delegation that traveled to the city of Pasto gave negative results.

“Today a football game is not suspended. Today the “protocol” that for several months was built jointly between the National Government and the Dimayor is called into question “, added.

Juan Camilo Alvarez Serrano

FUTBOLRED correspondent


On twitter: @ juanchoserran8
