astrologers talk about the phenomenon that did not occur 800 years ago


From yesterday and for a period of two weeks, the planetary conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn will take place, which can be seen at sunset.
The phenomenon, which undoubtedly marks the end of what was one of the most atypical years for humanity, occurs at the beginning of the summer solstice for the southern hemisphere and the winter solstice for the northern hemisphere, offering a global spectacle to lovers of astronomy, but also to lovers of astrology (who have made known their guesses about what this cosmic event could represent).

The phenomenon is known as ‘The Christmas star’ (because of the light that emanates from the two planets being so close together). Experts explain that although the two stars meet every 20 years (the next meeting will be in 2040), almost 400 years have passed since both were so close to each other, and 800 years since this same meeting took place in the night and, according to astrologer Diana Ramírez, it is the first time in more than 700 years that the planets are at zero degrees Aquarius.

The Venezuelan astrologer Mía Astral explained in a video that the conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter, during the last two hundred years had been taking place in signs of the earth element – having an exception in 1980, when they were united in Libra, which marked the beginning of the Industrial Revolution -.

“At this moment we are finishing these conjunctions on the ground, and I think many of us have changed our minds and wonder how we can make everything more sustainable and we have realized how overwork has certain consequences,” says Mía Astral.

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The expert also explained that this union occurred on the same day as the solstice and with Mercury, the Sun, Jupiter, Saturn and Juno at zero degree, “which means: reset. This is like another chapter, it means that 2020 really passed through our bodies and that there really were things that we gave a lot of importance to and no longer ”.

For her part, astrologer Tina Rising explains that a social restructuring can be expected from this Great Conjunction, to begin to accept that there are changes in 2020 that are here to stay.

“There will be great technological advances in the health, communication and education sectors. It will be the transformation we need to begin to accept that the world must have a change of consciousness. Aquarium energy will demand that as a society we must become more human and free ourselves from social structures that limit world growth ”, he clarifies.

However, these changes that the experts speak of will not occur quickly, in fact the astrologer Ramírez says that Jupiter and Saturn bring experiences that can last for months “and even years”, where humans become really aware of the transformation they bring. said experiences.

“Today’s meeting (yesterday) of these two planets is a moment of emptiness or neutralization of energies, because they are antagonistic: Jupiter is future and Saturn is past, Jupiter is expansion and Saturn contraction, Jupiter is optimistic and Saturn realistic and even pessimistic, then when they meet they neutralize themselves and take over, because for the last 10 years Saturn was leading the way and was giving us lessons in maturity and responsibility and for the next 10 years, Jupiter is the one who gets ahead and will pave the way. with greater optimism and hopeful eyes, and also with more energy and vitality for any activity. 10 years are ending uphill, where the last 3 years were really a rock wall, but finally we reached the top and a vast plain appears before us that has yet to be conquered ”, the expert clarifies.

Meanwhile, for the Vedic astrologer Dayal Dassan, who bases his analysis on sidereal astrology, which takes the concepts of NASA and studies the stars as they are in the sky, the conjunction occurs on the winter solstice for those who there are the northern hemisphere.

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Explain that there is a difference of 23 days between tropical astrology, in which the conjunction occurs in the sign of Aquarius, and sidereal astrology, for which it occurs in the sign of Capricorn, it is for that reason that people can find a different appreciation between horoscopes.

For him, the alignment occurs at six degrees of the sign of Capricorn, between the planets Jupiter and Saturn; and seven degrees, between the Sun and Mercury in the sign of Sagittarius, so at this time the alignment that has the greatest relevance is that between Jupiter and Saturn in the sign of Capricorn.

Saturn, says the expert, takes 30 years to return to its own sign and Jupiter takes 12 years to turn the zodiac, so right now Saturn is in its sign, which means that it is stronger.

“Starting this solstice, that alignment between Jupiter and Saturn is going to make the working class, the class that society stands on, stronger. Saturn represents the people of the working class, while Jupiter represents power, but in this alignment the power will be weakened, that means that fundamental changes will be achieved within the rights and benefits of the working class. Here, it is quite possible that the Earth will also win, it means that people are going to care and become much more aware of it. Human beings in general are going to become more realistic, less pragmatic and dreamy, therefore that movement of Saturn within Capricorn, leads us to work more and be more realistic with changes, but above all, to be more active and proactive, that’s what Saturn marks in Capricorn, ”says Dassan. In any case, a luminous closing of the year in the cosmos.

Entering Aquarius

Since yesterday Jupiter entered Aquarius (air). “Jupiter in Aquarius is at ease, it is fire directed in an environment of expansive air. The lord of justice and freedom comes to the land of equity. It will be a time in the collective for social justice, for the defense of the rights of the collective and minorities. Geopolitical and social issues will play a leading role and in all there will be an awakening of planetary consciousness ”, explains astrologer Ramírez. And he added, “Saturn also arrived, who had not visited Aquarius since 1991, and will stay there for almost 3 years. He came to create new social structures and to adapt to the new land. For Aquarians it will also be a few years of acquiring responsibility, settling down and opening up to new experiences with maturity and realism ”. The good and weak qualities of this sign will weigh more.
