Aries – Monday May 11, 2020: a call to emotional control | Aries horoscopes


Astrological newscast: the Moon is in Capricorn and today two important planetary events occur, one is the retrograde transit of the planet Saturn to the sign of Aquarius, another is the direct transit of Mercury to Gemini. We are in the vibration of 2, which indicates the union with another person, the couple. The planetoid Pluto remains retrograde in Capricorn. Your ruler, the planet Mars transits through Aquarius.

The astral landscape that now reigns in your Arian sign extends to your love life, where you feel more confident and excited, although due to the retrograde transit of Saturn in the air element, starting on Monday, you must channel your momentum appropriately so as not to leave May your tongue betray you.

A friendship you haven’t seen for a long time sheds light on a very productive economic project. Listen to their advice and recommendations as their experience will be very useful to you at this time and you can make good investments with your money.

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Your ruler, the planet Mars, when traveling through the rebellious Aquarian sign, tends to release your tongue at key moments, especially now that Saturn has just entered into retrograde motion.

Be extremely careful when clarifying sentimental situations with your loved one so as not to say hurtful words in the middle of a heated discussion.

You experience a noticeable improvement if you have suffered an accident or have had to undergo emergency surgery. There are very high recovery waves. In general the health wave is positive and high, Aries.

The current planetary combination augurs a somewhat complicated day at work. Your ideas are adequate and you can put them into practice, even if you initially encounter some obstacles or difficulties. You don’t want to risk a fixed position for something utopian.

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Money and fortune
In this week that begins with a cosmic parade of retrograde planets you might experience some delays in your money matters, but don’t worry as they are temporary disorders that will soon be overcome.

Today’s astral biorhythm
Sexual energy level this Monday: moderate.
Cosmic dynamics that you must take advantage of: your willingness to take the initiative and take responsibility for what you have done well, or badly.
Today’s dangerous trend in your Aries sign: lower your guard, not act resolutely as it should and demand the nature of your fire sign.
What should I avoid ?: Act out of emotions without thinking well about what to do or say.

Quote of the day: Faint hearted people are always blaming bad luck for the result of their bad decisions.

Couple prediction for today Monday
Today’s best relationship: This Monday things will go very well for you if your partner is from a fire sign like yours, and very well with Libra and Geminis.
The most tense relationship: with Cancer or Pisces.
Your current compatibility: There is a good wave of compatibility with all fire signs, especially Leo.
If you are single or single: with the cosmic energy of Mars in transit and the procession of retrograde planets from today you will be defining your romantic relationship with someone recently known.

The most recurring dreams, part 1
