Aquarius – Sunday May 10, 2020: a daring tone surrounds you | Aquarius horoscopes


Astrological newscast: the Moon has shifted to the sign of Capricorn in the vibration of the one, today mothers day, which indicates the beginning of a new cycle. All the planets are direct with the exception of the dwarf planet Pluto that continues retrograde in Capricorn. Your ruler, the planet Uranus, transits through Taurus and the planets Mars and Saturn are in your sign.

The energy from the beginning of a new cycle joined to the effluvium of Mars and Saturn in your sign will place you in a different, new sentimental scenario, something that you had not anticipated, but that will please you, Aquarian.

You’re in the mood for impulsive spending. If you don’t feel safe when buying something, don’t do it. It is better to keep a beat than to make unfortunate decisions.

However, in your love world things are different, intense and creative, as characteristic of your air element sign. You will hear very good and flattering news.

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The magnificent astrological position of your ruler Uranus on earth linked to the transit of the Moon in that element is ideal to help you get out gracefully and with great dignity from a difficult love situation. What seemed impossible is accomplished and again you are in control of your love life.

Some health issues may worry you and cause instability in the morning hours. Don’t worry too much because all these disorders are temporary and are the result of stress.

You will find a pleasant activity that will also give you money to carry out your economic projects. This is a formidable cycle to invent something new in your work or to properly promote yourself in a new job.

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Money and fortune
The cosmic forces that are moving in your aquarian horoscope propitiate certain fortunate encounters with business people who have common interests with you and who may be interested from the economic point of view.

Today’s astral biorhythm
Sexual energy level this Sunday: moderate.
Cosmic dynamics you should take advantage of: your inspiration to make a major change in your lifestyle.
Today’s dangerous trend in your Aquarius sign: neglect your interests.
What should I avoid ?: inaction or indecision.

Phrase of the day: when the ignorant affirm, the wise doubts and reflects.

Couple prediction for today sunday
The best relationship today: this Sunday things will go very well for you if your partner is from a fire sign like Leo or Sagittarius and very well with Libra and Gemini.
The most tense relationship: be very careful with people from Taurus or Scorpio.
Your current compatibility: you are in a harmonic tone with the elements of fire, both Aries and Leo and Sagittarius and also with air, especially Aquarius and Libra.
If you are single or single: the change you make in your lifestyle will fascinate those who know you and will attract you with fascinating and curious looks.

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