Another Sunday that Antioquia surpassed everyone in the country: with 2,104 new cases of covid-19


The Sectional Secretariat of Health and Social Protection of Antioquia reported that 2,104 new registered cases of infected by Covid-19 in the department and rises to 143,531.

In Medellín there are (1,222), Bello (217), Itagüí (158), Envigado (126), Caldas (100), Rionegro (77), La Estrella (27), Sabaneta (25), Copacabana (17), Marinilla ( 10), El Bagre (7), Sonsón (6), Segovia (6), Girardota (6), Carmen de Viboral (5), Sopetrán (5), Remedios (5), Puerto Berrío (4), Santa Rosa de Bears (4), Apartadó (4), El Retiro (4), Yarumal (4), Barbosa (4), La Ceja (3), El Santuario (3), Peque (3), La Unión (3), Donmatías (3), Amagá (3), Dabeiba (2), Ciudad Bolívar (2), San Luis (2), San Pedro de Urabá (2), Guarne (2), Chigorodó (2), Briceño (2), Cisneros (2), Carepa (2), Santa Bárbara (2), Uramita (1), Abejorral (1), Betania (1), Vegachí (1), Andes (1), Anzá (1), Granada (1), Santa fe de Antioquia (1), Alejandría (1), Buriticá (1), Montebello (1), Santo Domingo (1), San Pedro de los Milagros (1), Caicedo (1), Tarazá (1), San Roque (1), Urrao (1), Ebéjico (1), San Andrés de Cuerquia (1), Frontino (1), Turbo (1), Támesis (1) and Salgar (1).

All these new infected have been previously identified, placed in isolation and under the corresponding epidemiological surveillance.

With these new cases, the number of infected people in the department of Antioquia amounts to 143,531. Of these, 71,464 are women and 72,067 are men.


    In Medellín there are 2,099 cases and the remaining 1,454 are distributed as follows in the following municipalities: Bello (345), Itagüí (223), Envigado (217), Caldas (127), Rionegro (118), Sabaneta (51), La Estrella ( 43), Copacabana (42), Marinilla (19), Girardota (15), Segovia (13), Carmen de Viboral (13), Apartadó (13), Barbosa (12), La Ceja (11), Tarazá (10) , El Retiro (9), El Santuario (9), Santa Rosa de Osos (9), El Bagre (8), Guarne (7), Sonsón (6), Carepa (6), Zaragoza (6), Yarumal (6 ), Remedios (5), Peque (5), Sopetrán (5), Amagá (5), La Unión (5), Yondó (5), Uramita (4), Turbo (4), Donmatías (4), Andes ( 4), Puerto Berrío (4), Camp (3), Briceño (3), Amalfi (3), Granada (3), Puerto Triunfo (3), Ciudad Bolívar (3), Buriticá (3), Urrao (2) , San Vicente (2), El Peñol (2), Santa Bárbara (2), San Pedro de Urabá (2), Cañasgordas (2), Cisneros (2), San Pedro de los Milagros (2), Chigorodó (2) , Dabeiba (2), San Luis (2), Vegachí (2), Caucasia (1), Santa fe de Antioquia (1), Támesis (1), Cocorn á (1), Ebéjico (1), Guatapé (1), Caramanta (1), Abejorral (1), Caicedo (1), Salgar (1), Santo Domingo (1), Anzá (1), Sabanalarga (1) , Alejandría (1), Betania (1), Frontino (1), San Andrés de Cuerquia (1), San Roque (1), Montebello (1), Cáceres (1) and Fredonia (1).

    Likewise, it points out that there are (715) hospitalized patients: (342) in the Intensive Care Unit, ICU, and (373) in general hospitalization.

    Regarding the patients from other departments and who are hospitalized there are (6) people. De Chocó (1) in general hospitalization, Córdoba (1) in ICU, Santander (1) in ICU, Sucre (1) in ICU, Risaralda (1) in ICU and Putumayo (1) in general hospitalization.

    Regarding ICU beds, the department has 937 for COVID patients. Of these, 772 are occupied as follows: 343 occupied with COVID patients, 137 suspected of COVID and 292 not COVID. That is, the occupancy of ICU beds in the department is 82.39%.
