Álvaro Uribe: magistrate César Reyes refuses to answer questions from the Democratic Center – Investigative Unit


“The congressmen who formulate the right to petition do not hold any of the qualities required by the legislature to supply them with the reserved information they demand (…) They are not procedural or intervening subjects, nor media representatives, nor do any of the circumstances provided for in the provisions concur, reasons why it is not possible to access the petition filed “.

This is how the Supreme Court has just responded to a right to petition a group of congressmen from Uribe, who demanded that the magistrate César Augusto Reyes (until a few days ago investigator of the case against Álvaro Uribe for bribery and procedural fraud) reveal personal and professional matters.

(You may be interested in: Uribe talks about the magistrate’s contract who investigated him)

EL TIEMPO had exclusive access to the response that is being notified to the Uribista congressmen who asked 18 questions, including the question of whether the magistrate had relatives who were part of the Farc party and the complete list of all his clients with names and identity cards, when he litigated in the Ombudsman’s Office.

“It should be noted that what is noted is the claim to exercise a disciplinary or jurisdictional control, manifestly inadmissible and much more one of a political nature within the processes that are well known to be carried out in the Chamber,” the answer, signed by the secretary of the room, Adriana Hernández Aguilar.

(It may interest you: This is the request for immediate release for Álvaro Uribe)

Ernesto Macias, Paola Holguín, Ciro Ramírez, Enrique Cabrales and eleven other congressmen also asked Reyes if any of his relatives belongs to an NGO.

Right of Petition to César Reyes

Response of the Chamber of Instruction to the Uribe congressmen.

What is noticed is the claim to exercise disciplinary or jurisdictional control, manifestly inadmissible and plus one of a political nature within the cases brought forward by the Chamber

Candidates and politicians who have already exercised their right to vote

Iván Cepeda has already denied any connection between him or his wife and Judge César Auguto Reyes.


Andrés Guarín / TIME

They also insist on whether or not he has ties with the wife of Senator Iván Cepeda, as a result of their coincidence in the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). That same question had already been raised by Judge Cristina Lombana and Reyes had said that there was no nexus or link that would disable it.

(You may be interested: Magistrate Lombana’s questions to her colleague César Reyes)

In the same sense, Senator Cepeda, a victim in the process against Uribe, ruled, a file that passed to the Prosecutor’s Office, after he resigned his seat in the Senate and was outside the orbit of the Supreme Court.

In fact, it is expected that in the next few hours, the Prosecutor’s Office will resolve the request of his lawyer, Jaime Granados, to grant Uribe immediate freedom, after his case went from being investigated in the Court by Law 600 to Law 906, where no crime has been charged against him.

Questions and contract

The members of the Uribista caucus also ask the magistrate if as a lawyer he has defended a member of the Farc and his link with Sonia Imelda Hurtado, who appears as an official of the Ombudsman.

They are also investigating his links with magistrate Luis Antonio Hernández Barbosa and with José Luis Barceló, a former robed who initiated the investigation against Uribe for alleged bribery in criminal proceedings.

Additionally, they ask you to answer if you are willing to make public the sheets of all the calls you made and received in the last 5 years.

That same question was asked of Senator Cepeda.

(Also: friction between Iván Cepeda and uribistas who ask him to reveal their calls)

At this point he asks if he has had anything from calls or contact with Pilar Reyes (Cepeda’s wife) to mutual friends.

The questions of the bishops of Uribe Vélez are known in parallel to the revelation of a contract that a firm created and represented by Reyes had during the government of Juan Manuel Santos, for about 600 million pesos.

Who selected the Reyes firm?

The contract was signed on July 14, 2016, with Nueva Justicia y Litigation Oral Consultores Ltda., A firm of which Reyes was the founder and legal representative

EL TIEMPO established that the then Peace Commissioner, Sergio Jaramillo, requested the contract, which was signed by the Fund for Special Programs for Peace, to carry out a field investigation to establish the legal status and health status of people with measure of seizure or convictions that appeared in the lists of prisoners of the Farc-EP, in the framework of conversations that took place in Havana.

(We invite you to read: Farc has not delivered $ 10,000 million that it offered for repair)

A public invitation was made, three quotes were received, and Reyes’ signature was selected.

This newspaper also established that Reyes ceded the quotas he had in that company on October 5, 2018, three days before taking office as a magistrate of the Investigation Chamber.

The same did his partner, Fernando Jimémez Montes, who is now an assistant magistrate in his office.

However, in the opinion of members of the Uribista bench, the robed must have declared himself disabled. In fact, former President Uribe has just spoken on the subject on his social networks.

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