Álvaro Fortich, director of Dadis resigns | THE UNIVERSAL


Surprisingly, on the morning of this Tuesday the director of the District Administrative Department of Health (Dadis), Álvaro Fortich Revollo, resigned from his post after four months of being appointed.

The universal knew the letter in which the official presented to the mayor of Cartagena, William Dau, his irrevocable resignation.

In the letter, Fortich thanks the president for the trust placed in him to designate him in the Dadis, he also thanks his team for the support, friendship and dedication during these months.

“Today, I am again thanking you for the appointment with which you honored me as Secretary of District Health for your government cabinet. During these four months I came to serve you and to serve my city, to fulfill the mission and purpose of God (…) he presented irrevocable resignation from office, and know that I will always be at the service of my city. ” the letter.

The official did not give details of the reasons for his resignation, only maintained that he will continue working for the city. “I will therefore continue in my transfer to serve this suffering town of Cartagena, to continue supporting to build a better city, and that will always receive good advice from me,” he said.

Amid the coronavirus

The truth is that the resignation of Fortich, the first in Dau’s cabinet, comes at a critical moment generated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Cartagena continues to occupy the first places in the country in the number of infections and deaths from the coronavirus, which has raised questions about the management of the authorities in the city to avoid this situation.

To such an extent that the National Government decided to carry out next Friday, May 15, a Unified Command Post (PMU) in the city, in order to provide support to the District’s efforts and seek more effective measures to try to stop the spread of the virus, which to date leaves almost 700 infections and 47 deaths in Cartagena. (Read here: Government will put a magnifying glass in Cartagena due to the situation with the coronavirus)

His resignation also occurs in the midst of investigations carried out by different control entities to manage the health crisis in the city. One of them is the preliminary investigation opened by the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation for alleged irregularities in the contract that the Mayor of Cartagena made to buy 10,000 rapid tests for the diagnosis of coronavirus.

In the official letter, it is indicated that the preliminary investigation is against officials of the Dau administration who are involved in the events denounced. (Read here: Inquiry opens for purchase of coronavirus tests by the District)

Álvaro Fortich is a doctor from the University of Cartagena with specialties in Internal Medicine and Endocrinology.

He had been head of the Endocrinology service of the Naval Hospital, president of the Colombian Diabetic Federation, Scientific director of the Regional Hospital of Corozal (Sucre); Scientific deputy director of the Hospital Universitario del Caribe (HUC) and professor and researcher at the University of Cartagena, among other positions.
