Alert at Boca Juniors! Mass contagion on the covid-19 campus


Boca Juniors reported on Monday the appearance of a “contagion outbreak” of coronavirus within its ‘health bubble’ and suspended training for 72 hours to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

“During the night of Friday, August 28, symptoms compatible with COVID-19, so the following day rapid swab tests were performed, which gave some members of the staff a positive result, so the tests were repeated on Sunday 30 PCR to all the members of the delegation, showing the appearance of an outbreak of contagion, “said the club through its website.

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“With the exception of one player, those who tested positive could be identified prior to the onset of symptoms, being up to date isolated in the concentration, under strict medical, kinesic, nutritional and psychological supervision. The state of health is excellent in all cases, waiting for the health and medical times for the soon return to activity “, adds the text.

The Xeneize, which on September 17 will visit the Paraguayan Libertad on the third day of the Libertadores Cup, isolated “the entire delegation” in their respective rooms and suspended training for at least 72 hours.

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The campus is located in the facilities that the club has in the province of Buenos Aires. Boca Juniors reported that since the return from practices, on August 10, the players were evaluated twice a week, always with negative results.

According to the local press, there would be almost a score of infected, several of them footballers, and therefore the coach, Michelangelo Russo, 64, recovered from prostate cancer in 2018, left the facility. Midfielder Iván Marcone tested positive two weeks ago and has been in isolation ever since.

