Alberto Linero tells new details about his father’s health


“I had heard, read and seen on the news that the hardest thing about the pandemic is that some patients die alone in the clinics, because no one can visit them. And although it hit me a lot, I couldn’t imagine how much it could hurt to live that experience, ”says the Blu Radio panelist in the audio published by that station, about the hospitalization of his father, Carlos Linero.

In this recording, the former priest expresses that, although his father does not have COVID-19, the restrictions that the pandemic has generated have not allowed him or his family to visit him in the clinic in which he is connected to a mechanical fan, which is why he regrets “the fact that we cannot be giving him the strength that the presence full of love generates.”

Thus, the writer also mentioned, by way of advice to those who listen, the hard and particular lessons that this experience has left him. One of them, according to his reflection on Blu Radio, has to do with the decision he had to make, together with his family, on whether or not to intubate his father.

“We realized that we had never discussed that subject with him, that we did not know what he would want at that time. I learned that you have to talk about those tough and complex situations, “he commented in the media, where he advised not to lower his guard against the coronavirus.

What is Alberto Linero’s father sick from?

Carlos Linero, 84 years old, “It is delicate product of a diabetes that was complicated and caused multisystematic damage”said the retired priest in El Tiempo.

Linero (who last week gave a controversial opinion regarding Maradona’s death) He arrived in Santa Marta on Friday afternoon to be able to be aware of his father, and even though recognizes that the possibilities of life for man are few, does not lose hope to meet him again and see him recover, added the Bogota newspaper.

“We are living a very hard time, but we face it in unity and with great faith,” said the speaker in the newspaper.

In the midst of this difficult situation, Linero published an old photograph on his Instagram account that helped him to talk about that fight he is giving today.

Audio of Albero Linero’s reflection on his father’s state of health
