Airports in Bogotá and Cartagena speak out after passenger death from COVID-19


The airports El Dorado, in Bogotá, and Rafael Núñez, in Cartagena, spoke after the death of a 41-year-old passenger who died in La Heroica due to COVID-19.

At the air terminal in the Colombian capital, they reported that all biosecurity protocols were met and it was not evidenced that the victim had symptoms of the disease.

Meanwhile, at the Rafael Núñez de Cartagena airport, they pointed out that, although the provisions to guarantee the health safety of travelers were met, it is difficult to identify an infected person if they do not present symptoms and less when results of tests are not required. coronavirus.

The Dadis of Cartagena confirmed that a man, who traveled with his wife and 3-year-old daughter on September 2 from Bogotá, died over the weekend from coronavirus, so the people who were with him on the flight were identified and thus determine if there was a possible contagion.

It was established “each one of the cases that had a possible close contact, remembering that the close contact is one that is considered to be a confirmed positive case, with a distance of less than two meters. Each of these cases is being traced and, according to the classification of cases, the pertinent tests will be carried out, ”reported Johana Bueno, director of the Cartagena Department of Health.

The victim arrived in Cartagena on a commercial flight from Bogotá on September 2, the day he began to feel a cough, which he associated with the change in temperature.

The next day the symptom persisted and she had trouble breathing. On the 4th he was transferred to the Bocagrande Hospital. They tested him for COVID-19, which came back positive, and two days later he died.

His wife tested negative and the result of his daughter’s test is not yet known.
