After demolition order, Aquarela construction company sues the State | THE UNIVERSAL


A new judicial process joins the Aquarela case. This, Friday, November 13, it was learned that the Promotora Calle 47 SAS, builder of tower one of the housing project, filed a direct repair claim against the State.

This after the mayor of Cartagena, William Dau Chamatt, affirmed on October 21 that he will demolish the building located in block 186 of the Torices neighborhood and puts at risk the title of Historical Heritage of Humanity due to its proximity to Castillo San Felipe. (You may be interested: “That building I’m going to tear down”: Dau on Aquarela)

Through a statement, the construction company indicated that the lawsuit, filed before the Administrative Court of Cundinamarca, is due to the fact that the “Ministry of Culture and the Mayor’s Office of Cartagena were unaware of the development and construction rights obtained through urban planning licenses, as well as as well as the urban regulations applicable to the social interest housing project ”.

He added that the Mayor of Cartagena questioned the legality of the licenses that protect the project, “illegally suspending the continuation of the work.”

The Promoter explained that in the legal action she exposed “the use of the housing project as an excuse for the inability of the Ministry of Culture to meet the recommendations of the Unesco World Heritage Committee, expressed more than 15 years ago, on the regulatory and normative measures necessary to protect the entire monumental complex of Cartagena ”.

The construction firm added that Mincultura handled the public opinion, national authorities and the World Heritage Committee with inaccurate and erroneous information to direct and pressure judicial and administrative decisions against the building.

Promotora Calle 47 specified that prior to the filing of the lawsuit, which seeks compensation for the damages caused by the State, through the Ministry of Culture and the District of Cartagena, to investors and home buyers in the housing project, it summoned to a conciliation hearing, which ended without success.

Student claims against Aquarela

The demand of the Promotora Calle 47 is known a day after the director of the National Agency for Judicial Defense of the State (ANDJE), Camilo Gómez, who issued a favorable opinion for the demolition of Aquarela, reiterated to Mayor Dau that the entity will accompany to the District in the legal actions that arise in the process.

“On the subject of the Aquarela building, we are going to accompany the city of Cartagena in all legal processes, both as plaintiffs and defendants, and all necessary legal actions will have to be initiated,” said Gómez.

The lawyer also revealed that they are studying the possibility of filing a lawsuit against the construction company for the damages caused to the city and the Nation. (It may interest you: Legal Agency would file a lawsuit against the Aquarela construction company)

It should be noted that the president of Cartagena has already asked the National Unit for Risk and Disaster Management (UNGRD) for the action plan that allows establishing the phases to follow for the demolition.

According to the District, this action is estimated to cost between $ 2 and $ 3 billion, however, most of the resources will come from the UNGRD and another part of the Ministry of Culture.
