After a month, Wuhan records COVID-19 case for the first time


The Hubei Province Health Department reported that the new case is of local transmission, not imported, and that the patient would be in critical condition.

In Wuhan, containment measures were lifted on April 8. AFP

The last report from a positive person for COVID-19 in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei, had been on April 3. However, this Sunday the Department of Health of this province confirmed a new case after the confinement measures were lifted on April 8. To date, in this city, the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes this disease, had left 50,334 people infected and 3,869 deaths. (See here all the information about coronavirus)

The new case, the organization explained, he’s an 89 year old man residing in Dongxihu District, located in the northwest of Wuhan. It would be a local case and the patient would be in critical condition, according to local media. In addition, his wife would also have tested positive but she is asymptomatic.

To prevent the neighborhood where the man lived from becoming a focus of contagion and prevent a second wave of infections, the authorities decided to raise the level of epidemiological risk there. It went from weak to medium. (You can read: Hubei, first focus of the pandemic, will lift the quarantine)

After spending two months in strict confinement measures, quarantine was lifted on April 8 in Wuhan and it was considered as a “weak” risk area for a new virus outbreak. Therefore, several schools reopened their doors. For example, high school seniors returned to classes on Wednesday, all wearing face masks and respecting strict sanitary measures.

In addition to the case in Wuhan, This Sunday, 13 new positives were confirmed in China. It is the first time since May 1 that the country announces a double-digit increase in the number of infections in one day. The vast majority of the new cases are located in the northeast of the country, where the city of Shulan has been quarantined. (Could read: What will be the future of the SARS-CoV-2 virus?)

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2020-05-10T10: 31: 40-05: 00


2020-05-10T10: 32: 06-05: 00



– Health writing


After a month, Wuhan records COVID-19 case for the first time



