Actor denounces that more than $ 3,000,000 disappeared from his bank account


Córdoba, who has participated in some national productions, He emphasized on his different social networks that nearly 3’875,000 pesos were deducted from his bank account, despite the fact that electronic payment was never made.

“In the midst of the COVID-19 health emergency, this money is required by my family, as they need it. But it does not appear anywhere and the bank has not given me a single answer in this regard, “ added the actor on his Instagram account.

Even though they initially told you that the transaction could take a couple of days, The Colombian artist pointed out in dialogue with City TV that the silver never reached the recipient’s account.


The actor finally stated in the news that he already filed the formal complaint with the corresponding control agencies and that he expects the bank to respond to him, with interest included, for the disappearance of his money.

The financial institution, on the other hand, indicated in this same media that he has already contacted Córdoba and that they are trying to solve his case. Likewise, he assured that this situation is being reported in all banks due to the great demand that currently exists for digital transfers.

Here, the complaint:
