A woman died after contracting human rabies from her cat’s bite in Neiva


The Ministry of Health and Social Protection made an urgent call for the anti-rabies vaccination of dogs and cats in Colombian homes.

The message came after the report of the death of a 26-year-old woman in Neiva, Huila, due to human rabies transmitted by her pet, a cat, of which he did not have a rabies vaccination scheme.

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The bite occurred on August 26 when she tried to help him since the animal was with profuse salivation, irritability and had been lost for a day.

The onset of symptoms was on September 18. The woman consulted the medical services on September 22 and a day later was admitted to the ICU, dying on September 25.

Jairo Hernández, deputy director (e) of Environmental Health of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, indicated that rabies is a zoonosis caused by the rabies virus, which belongs to the genus Lissavirus, family Rhabdoviridae.


It is transmitted by contact with skin and mucous membranes, usually through the saliva of an infected animal, almost exclusively by the bite, although it can occur by contact of saliva with skin lesions or with intact mucosa, secretions or tissues from infected animals.

The hypothesis proposed by the National Institute of Health, the entity that carried out the respective analyzes for the case, is that it is cat infected with a variant of wild rabies.

Hernández reiterated the message in which «Any person attacked by a dog, cat, bat, fox, other wild animals or production animals, should go to the nearest health service for its evaluation and treatment by the emergency service.

So far in 2020, 75,911 cases of assaults on humans by potentially rabies-transmitting animals have been reported.
