A nurse from Queens, the first New Yorker to receive the covid vaccine – USA and Canada – International


Sandra Lindsay, an intensive care nurse at a Queens borough hospital, was the first New Yorker inoculated with the COVID-19 vaccine developed by the pharmaceutical company Pfizer and that was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), The last friday.

In a live connection via video, in which the governor of the state, Andrew Cuomo, participated, Lindsay, who works at the Jewish Medical Center in Queens, one of the worst-hit neighborhoods in the country by the pandemic, received the vaccine.

(See also: EL TIEMPO live: Pfizer gives details about its vaccine)

I hope this marks the beginning of the end of a very painful time in our history.“Said this African American nurse after receiving the dose of the vaccine.” We are in a pandemic, so we all have to do our part “,

The administration of the vaccine comes at a time when cases are rising in the United States, when the country has already accumulated 299,000 deaths.

Cuomo told Lindsay that she hoped the vaccine would give her and other workers a sense of “safety.”

The process of getting the vaccine to critical mass is going to take months. So this is the light at the end of the tunnel, but it’s a long tunnel“said the governor, who reiterated the message that the population must continue to respect social distancing measures.

(Also read: This will be the vaccination for Colombians)

Batches of the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine left the company’s Michigan plant Sunday. The doses were sent in boxes with dry ice (dry ice), which will keep them at -70 ºC, the temperature necessary to preserve the compound.

For his part, the president of the United States, Donald Trump, announced on Monday that the first vaccines against covid-19, manufactured by the American pharmaceutical company Pfizer and its German partner BioNTech, have already begun to be administered.

“The first vaccines have been administered. Congratulations USA! Congratulations to the world!”, the president said on Twitter.

The start of the vaccination campaign serves to open a new chapter in the battle against the coronavirus in the United States, where almost 300,000 people have lost their lives and more than 16 million have been infected with the virus, more than any other country in the United States. world in absolute terms.

(We recommend you read: The country will end the year with more than 40,000 deaths)

The vaccination began after the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the body that regulates the marketing of drugs in the United States, approved the vaccine on Friday night after a rigorous examination to assess its risks. and benefits.

On Sunday, airplanes and refrigerated trucks began distributing the vaccines to hundreds of vaccination points established across the country as part of Operation Warp Speed, launched by the White House with the help of the Pentagon to facilitate a distribution. as quickly as possible.

(In addition: First Colombian doctor vaccinated against covid-19 told his experience)

According to General Gustave Perna, in charge of the logistics operation for the distribution of the vaccine, 145 points in the country (many of them hospitals) will receive the vaccine this Monday, while 425 will receive it on Tuesday and 66 on Wednesday. In total, during this week, the Government will send 2.9 million doses to the 50 US states and their territories.

