A girl died from ingesting gunpowder in Cartagena


Last Friday, the girl was playing and had access to the popular ‘traqui traqui’, which contains white phosphorus, reported Blu Radio.

That day, she was referred to the Blas de Lezo clinic in Cartagena and was attended by the intensivist Germán Pérez, who reported on the station the delicate condition in which the victim arrived:

“The girl was admitted conscious but with liver damage, treatment is done for these cases and immediate referral to a liver transplant center is requested.”

Given the need for the girl to receive a liver transplant, he sent her to Cali, but the transfer could only be made up to 5 days later.

He arrived at the Valley with serious affectations in the “brain, heart, kidney; intubated and with mechanical ventilation ”and the procedure could not be done, the doctor explained. After two days of fighting, the minor died on Thursday.

Pérez added on Caracol Radio that the referral of the New EPS for the transplant only took place until Tuesday, and that is why the health company issued a statement in which he assured that “authorizations were generated as a priority.”

Throughout the week, in which December began, there were cases of children and adults burned with gunpowder, and with the death of the minor, the authorities lit the alarms again so that parents avoid as much as possible that children handle these substances .

Furthermore, this is not the first known case involving the ‘traqui-traqui’, because in 2013 a child had a serious poisoning in Cartagena, as recorded by El Universal; and in 2017 another child under 4 years old died from the intake of the same element in Puebloviejo (Magdalena), El Heraldo reported at the time.
