A baby is the same age as her mother


Although it is difficult to digest at first, in the United States a mother is only a few months older than her youngest daughter. Yes, that’s how the BBC described it when addressing the story of Molly Everette Gibson, who was born in February 2020 but was frozen in embryo in 1992. That is, the little girl has been in the world for 28 years. His mother, Tina, is 29.

According to the aforementioned medium, Molly broke the record of being the longest frozen embryo before being born. The previous record, 24 years old (she was born in 2017) is held by her sister, Emma.

Tina and Ben Gibson, a young couple from Tennessee, adopted the two embryos and the deliveries took place in the National Embryo Donation Center, specialized health facility for couples who cannot conceive children.

But that is not all. Molly and Emma are not just sisters because they have been adopted by the same couple. They are genetic sisters because their biological parents, who made their donations anonymously, are the same.

BBC indicates that the National Embryo Donation Center, located in Knoxville, is a non-profit organization that never discards embryos whose parents did not assume to continue with the fertilization processes. It is for this reason that there are embryos that are so old, as in the case of the Gibson sisters.
