There are already three indigenous people who have died from Covid-19 in Colombia


April 30, 2020 – 03:44 p. m.

Drafting of El País

The National Indigenous Organization of Colombia, Onic, confirmed on Wednesday the death of two indigenous people from complications derived from Covid-19, the first of them a member of the Yukpa People and the other of the Miraña People of the Amazon.

Through a bulletin, the Onic specified that a 6-month-old baby who remained hospitalized at the Laura Daniela Clinic in Valledupar died in recent days and his diagnosis of Covid-19 was confirmed. The contagion seems to have been caused by the return to the territory of several families who were in extreme poverty at the beginning of the quarantine.

On the other hand, last Monday Major Josías Mendoza, from the Miraña Town, who had been diagnosed with pneumonia derived from the coronavirus, died. The ONIC denounces the lack of coordination for the referral of the patient to a healthcare center that has sufficient hospital capacity for their care.

“The referral process was slow to be attended to and it was not until the same Monday around noon that an airplane arrived to transfer the patient. However, UT Servisalud reported that the procedure to discharge the patient from the clinic and taking him to the airport took time, so around 3:00 pm it was reported that the referral was not going to be made because it was not possible to travel at that time. In the evening hours, the Mayor of the Miraña Town entered critical condition and passed away, “reads the bulletin.

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Members of the Tikuna People are awaiting the death certificate of one of their elders, who died last Sunday after presenting a picture of pneumonia, to confirm if his death is related to the coronavirus. The results of the diagnostic tests of eight people who lived with him are also expected.

The first death of an indigenous person by Covid-19 was confirmed on April 24. So far, 11 confirmed cases and three people have recovered from the disease.

According to the ONIC, 305,906 families are on alert for the probability of contagion throughout the country.
